Joining Vertex Keys of two Objects ?

Is there a way to “copy” a vertex key from one object to another object with the same number of x-sorted vertices.

Clear ? No ?

I. e. morphing of two heads, morphing of a head and a car,…

why don’t you try it?

… but I doubt it will work because of the different topolgy (face layout) and vertex order.

if you do get a remotely favorable result the transition will not be pretty

(oh, and it isn’t a good idea to combine objects with one that has vertex keys because of these problems, says the blender 2.0 guide)

I guess It would be possible to write a little python script for doing it, since the 2 objects have the same number or vertex and are aligned on the same X way.

The script would be a recursive one, going trought all the vertex of the original mesh, reading the XYZ relatives coordinates and writing that info into the corresponding vertex on the copyed mesh.

Also, if the number of vertex isn’t tooo big, or you got enough time, you can do it by hand. Here is how:

Place the 2 meshes one on top/inside/in-the-same-place of the other and have them rougthy aligned on the same way, if they are both faces then have both of them looking straight ahead.

Select Mesh 1, go to edit mode, select your first vertex, press Shift-S and choose ‘Cursor to Selection’, exit edit mode.

Select Mesh 2, go to edit mode, select your first vertex, press Shift-S and choose ‘Selection to Cursor’, exit edit mode.

Keep doing until you are done with all vertex or you die, whatever comes first :wink:

Thanks so far

I already did.

The result is not nice and I hoped somebody has a trick to do it.
(the comment in Blender guide 2.0 probably has it’s reason).

That’s what I like to avoid.

A script …umpf… me and a script…umpf … that are two things that doesn’t fit together

you can’t do it, even with a script AFAIK.


You know, 3D software should be treated as a raw material provider, not like the ultimate solution. That raw material should pass trough many processing and refinement, namely composing, retouching and all the postproduction.

That efect that you are asking for (morphing two figures) can be easily -and perhaps better- achieved in a 2D program than in a 3D one. There are many freeware/shareware aplications that would allow you to morph one video source into another, just do a search on the web.

Note that I used ‘morph’ wich is not the same as just fading one escene into the other… on a morphing program you usually have to define congruent points in both sources to have a smooth and logical transition, the details on how it is done vary from program to program, some use triangles, some use points and some others use lines.

Good Luck anyways.