the trailer of “Journey to the Center of Earth” is available now!!!
here is my last post about the project by the way:
i worked like mad on the new site design and finished it now. the new site jumps into the net with the teaser trailer i showed at the blender conference [well… it didnt come out very god due some kind of sound mess ]. now, the trailer is here for the full viewing pleasure on your screen
My hat’s off to the work you’ve done. I love the detail of your vehicles and landscapes. The lighting is very nice too. I will be loking forward to more developments. Keep up the good work.
Are you using a freeware music composer/editor? I’ve ben wondering what’s out there.
The only thing I have to say is: :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
This IS ONE OF THE BEST TRAILER I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!. I really like it! I hope I will have enough time to work on my movie (The Exodus) so it will look like that!!!
There is one “but” though… some of the scenes look too much just like zooming in/out of static image. But then again, I recon you were just showing what was done, and were not after the ready, bug-budged film-trailer, eh
wow @ndy, really nice work. And that s from a German guy hrhrhr
Hast du echt toll gemacht, arbeite da auf jeden Fall weiter dran. Aber ich denke mehr als den Trailer hast du noch nicht oder? Ich würde gerne ein short-Movie sehen
p.s: blah blah blah! you’ve found a secret hidden text, yay!
yeah… some shots are images, i wanted to involve the vehicles we made for the original project… and i dont want to show too much [new vehicles!!! characters!!! creatures!!! hint hint hint ]
it will be a pleasure to finish the project, i wanna see it, too.
but there’s soo much work left!!!
Nayman: i’ve used 2 spots, yeeees TWO!!! one for the bright sunlight and the volumetrics and another one [blue] for global shadows… answered your question?
NateTG: well… in fact… we dunno yet, there’s still too much to do…