JunkBot:*RIGGED|MODEL FINISHED* Character Project

alright, Im posting this here, since WIP gets way more hits than focused crit, but I’d like honest comments and whatnot anyway :slight_smile:

Ok, started this guy earlier today, based off of my own ideas, inspired by various sources(wilkapunk, and others :wink: )
A few quick renders(front texture needs work, way too stretched…)

Ill be using it for some comping later on, but thats a ways off.

All C&C wanted, general suggestions are fine.


OOOO…freaky…but nice texturing…will be checking this one;)…peace out!

Thanks man :slight_smile: Textures totaaly need work on the front and sides, but the back looks ok…

actually…the front looks better than the back…:stuck_out_tongue:

oh… I like the back…

nothing? its been over a day…

Tough to critique, free-ality, without knowing your intention. The texture is really wood like, only the black looks like charcoal instead of wood. Seems to be a mask of some sort, except I can’t make out which is the front and which is the back, since its modeled in all directions. If it is supposed to be a carved wooden mask, the three black “flower” shapes seem to be undercut too much, as if they were made separately and attached. Also there’s a bit of noticable repetition in the texture, the knot shapes.

All in all, I like it. I just don’t understand it. But it’s a nice piece of sculpture. If it were real, somebody’d probably pay a fortune to put it on their coffee table. As a CG work, a couple of tweaks to the texture and you’ve got a nice photorealistic sculpture image.

I don’t really know what it is, or what it is for. Explain that and I promise I will be back with some critique. Textures looks like nice rough wood to me too.

Heh, yeah, its not much right now.

Its actually the torso for a rusty robot. Obviously, I need more specularity, an djust more model work…

Thanks for the comments though :slight_smile:

At first I thought you were showing photos of something you were preparing to model. This is well on it’s way to becoming a great piece.

Overall I really like it. Textures are great. I’m not sure I agree with Orinoco that the black looks like charcoal. To me it seems like it is painted, just not painted very well. In some places it looks like it is supposed to be black in others it looks like different shades of gray. Maybe the lighting is causing the variations.

The back-front thing is what confuses me the most. I’m not sure what I am looking at. It is difficult to see the front as the front. The back looks more interesting. One reason I am confused is that the back can be seen as a face. The side kind of looks like yet another face. What you are calling the front looks like two narrow faces. The little silver dots seem to be eyes. But then those silver eyes seem to be repeated all over the place, even in places where they don’t seem to make sense. You may have to work on the image you used and choose where those silver dots appear. (I am assuming it is an image because of the repitition.)

You know, sometimes it takes longer to explain a problem than it does to say Wow and then it seems like all negative. I like this whatever it is. It all comes down to deciding how to create the main focus.

Keep up the good work. I will be watching for this one.


Thanks man, Im working on the model, it’ll make more sense soon…

Ait, I got ya now. What I would try to focus on is to get this thing more rusty red. And rust doesn’t have much spec whereas the clean metal parts have. Ofcourse you know what rust looks like, but here is an image to refer what I think rust should look like since it comes in different forms and shapes. This may be a more rough rusty metal than u want though.


I was trying to use a colored cloud texture(used ramps) wiht the spec texture button on(making the rusty parts matte, and the others shiny) but it was after those rendered images…

Thanks for the link man

I like it, but could you post a white model? The textures make it a little confusing, but they look good. On the back, are those fans or what? They almost look like daisies. Maybe thin them down so they have only 3 blades, like your normal household fan.

yeah, they are fans, a bit too soft :slight_smile: Ill try taking down the number of fans…

It’s great to see that your junk yard prophecy project is still going. So many people give up their project after a week…

Well, I think I’m seeing some texture stretching on the front and side parts. Try applying a checkerboard texture to your model. Tweak the UVs until the checkerboard doesn’t stretch anymore.

After taking a look at it on a MAC screen, I’m not sure I agree with Orinoco anymore, either. free-ality, I know you’re trying to make rust, but save these settings for aged painted wood. It really works well.

@Orinico: hhmm :slight_smile: I guess I will…
@Alden: actually, this wasnt a continuation of tha, but now that you mention it…

Ok, made some significant progress. This may take a while, but Im doing a lot of other stuff too :smiley:
Any crits still wanted. I think its really starting to look good :smiley:


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