Just a simple fluid sim, but why is it so hard?

Hello all, i just wanted to make a simple fluid sim. Its just a 240-frame fluid sim wherein a spherical water emerges half of its body from a perfectly clear, still water for 2 secs. Then raises slowly above the water, just a short distance above, with a few droplets coming from it and making some nice symmetrical ripples as it rises, and stays on air for 5 secs. All of this done with a plain white background.

But what happened the first time after baking was, there is nothing to see because the plain white background has the same color with whats suppose to be the crystal clear water. So i changed the background into something greyish just to see the water. But just when i did, what i saw was a white colored fluid, then the supposed to be spherical water that would rise from the water is a randomly reshaping blob of water that throws its droplets to the side, the ripples are non-symmetrical. Please i need help on how to achieve the desired effect

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can somebody please help me, here is something to help me explain what i want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DdSGOCCFpE
the ripple, color, transparency, IOR, the only difference is that a ball of water emerges from the it leaving a few droplets then stays afloat for a few secs. pls help!

You show a video of what you want but not of what you have ?
If you want help you really need to at least put some effort into asking for help.
Where is your blend file, how are we supposed to know what materials you are using, what your fluid settings are, even what version of blender you are using ?
There are so many variables with fluids, without you supplying what you have it’s impossible for anyone else to give you a simple answer, so why should we waste our time just guessing. The more info you give the better chance you have of someone willing to help you.

oh ok, sorry about that, im using the latest version of blender and heres the blend file, and please ignore the keyframes


vid intro.blend (477 KB)