just a test

I’m just doing a little testing of some new code for my site.


If you can see a car or a little “x” then it dosn’t work. Please let me know what browser and any other internet apps (popup blocker, web washer, etc.) you have running if you can see the car.

I see a little red X

I use internet explorer (don,t remember which version lol)

I doN,t use any poupkiller or anything else like that

You shouldn’t see an “x” anymore, just a bug in my code.

I see everything just fine. Its pretty cool man. Are you trying to set it up so that if someone links to your image offsite, that is automatically appended to the top/botton of the pic? What header do you return as a response to the http request to the script to get that to work?


Just remembered: IE 6.0.2800 SP1 with a cherry on top.

I see the banner. And I just found it in the ‘Finnished Projects’ board attatched to Rhysys 2’s head.

The link on the banner doesn’t work. The link that he posted brings up a page with the banner. The link still doesn’t work. I put a ‘?’ behind the link in the address bar and I get to the page.

All this just FYI.

IE 6.0.2 with patches.


Yes, you are supposed to see the banner now for files located on my forum that have been directly linked.

People that were using my forum were starting to just use it as web hosting and directly link to the images they posted. So I implemented this script that outputs the banner image instead but at least the banner has the URL that will work. So if you see one of these banners just type in the URL on it to see the file.

If something dosn’t work please let me know so I can fix it!

seems like it works fine for me,i see the banner. :smiley:

Stephen thats pretty damn clever. Would you allow me to see the code? I have a few uses for a technique like this and I’m curious as to how you accomplished it.

yep it alright here on IE 6.0.2…


I see the banner on IE 6.02 SP1. Nice idea!

works brilliantly on IE version 6.0.2600.0000.xpclnt_qfe.018271803-IC

what’s with such a long version name.

I get the banner fine, but if I go to the page mentioned in the banner, the cached banner image appears in the real page.

Try this:

header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");          // Date in the past
header ("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); // always modified
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");        // HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache");                                // HTTP/1.0

I use M$IE 5.5 and Panicware’s Popup Stopper

I’ve added those headers, thanks!

Great! it works now.
But now the real image is cached when I return to elYsiun…
You might want to add the headers to the real image too.

No, I don’t mind if the image remains cached when you return to Elysiun because the main reson I added it was so that people wouldn’t post an image linked directly and just use my bandwidth without any indication of where the image is hosted. Once the image is downloaded there is no extra bandwidth from displaying it again elsewhere.