Nice, but guns look plastic, not metal. Same for bullets and for that thing with a cross (which should be silver?)
Keep it up, and stop smoking
yeah the guns does look plastic…hmm couldn’t notice it cuz of the reflection of the sun here…thanks for the comments and how did u know that i was smoking wich something not to be proud of.
Cigarette box was very well modeled
hehehe that is true
IT’s very nice.
I don’t smoke and don’t own a gun, but it seems to me that the cigarette box is too small compared w/ the guns (or vice-versa). Given how well both are modelled, you may as well make the cigarette box larger (so you get more bang out of your work).
yeah the box is small…thanks for your point of view keep them comming.
Pardon my question, but don’t guns normally contain triggers? Or maybe they were meant to be toy guns for children who happen to smoke :< (and have girlfriends that old, possibly being married :o )? Did you leave that out for a reason, or did you just forget?
what are you a smart guy or something and who the Fuk do you think you are judging my third image like you Fuking biatch!!!.. see this is why I fuking hate posting image like this…and just for the record I would fuking beat the crap of you if I see you on the street you mother fuking cock sucking biatch!!!
fuk you again…what do you gain by dissing people like that huh…I mean seriously does this give you pleasur you fuking fruit!..I dont diss people I dont like dissing people you fuking child…if your looking for a fuking fight make sure that you actually meet that person you botymon biatch…omg guy you should always becarefull what you fuking say…
ok… lemme get this straight…
what exactly are you doing there? i’m not trying to defend hath over there, as i don’t beleve he needed to be so harsh about the picture, nice by the way, yet you say you don’t like to diss people, and you’re just calling hath names… how very… hypocrity (can’t think of the right werd) of you…
suh-moooth move rolando
That’s pretty good man! Keep it up!
… :o Whoa.
That’s one of the most vulgar things I’ve ever seen posted on this entire forum. I understand that you are angry, but geez! That’s a lot of cursing!
I think you’re being a little hypocritical here… this kind of attitude can get you banned from this forum.
Please don’t take offense to any comments I made here, because I have no intentions of making you mad. Your work with blender is quite good and it would be a shame having to see you get banned from elYsiun, so I’m just letting you know. I started in this forum in a similar way, when I received negative criticism about my website (although I didn’t curse as much). Since then, I learned to tolerate negative criticism, because that’s what the “Finished Projects” board is for. It’s a place to get the opinions of others to make your work better. Hath_Noro’s comments may have seemed a little…unnecessary, but it’s just his opinion. He may have even been joking! After all, we’re all only communicating with words and little yellow faces!
Firstly I think you did a good job on the modeling, just the texture that needs some work. Secondly lets just asume for a second that we all like to use Blender. By posting our picture it alows us to get the perspective of other people. Now if it was me I would probably be upset for what Hoth posted, but lashing out at him like that is not going to solve a single thing.
IMHO if someone posts a comment that you do not like, … ignor it.
(sorry for the Philosophy 101)
model seems ok.
bigger render perhaps?
you also need a bit deeper shadows, and … highlight.
nice work.
Maybe we should stay still in the silent amaze and watch Rolando’s work. And mind to say a single evil word about His gorgeous pictures!
Hey, Rolando, why are you posting here your images?! To make your ego grow or to learn something new, useful? To share your skills with other’s and recieve their’s advices? :o :-? :x