And so far I could say is “I LOVE IT” !!! It’s like Windows on LSD, this is such a nice OS, it comes with a ton of software and have a breath taken icons and themes, this is a must for the homesick MS Windows type of people. I plan to slowly switch over as soon as I get a bigger hard drive and some more RAM and figure out the modem thing
Congrats, you’re slowly crossing over from the dark side into the land of plenty! I just hope you figure out that whole modem ordeal, those winmodems are just a pain.
Really? Awesome! If it’s that good, then I’m gonna put it on my laptop when I buy one.
I’ve already had a bunch of experience with Mandrake 9.1, and I love it. Can’t wait to try out 9.2.
where can i downlaod the ISO’s suposedly they are suposed to be out but i cannot find the iso’s anywhere for downlaod.
also my mandrake 9.1 sucks like a crap hole. so i hope 9.2 is enough better to make it all better with me and my opinions of linux LOL
That’s cool…
Allthough I wasn’t very pleased with Mandrake myself, that doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the best distro’s available… Have fun with your new toy man!!!
So that means that you didn’t have much luck with the driver you were trying to compile some time ago???
If some distro, doesn’t work for you the way you’d like it to, that doesn’t mean that Linux sucks in general… Sometimes it depends upon the hardware you have… If Mandrake 9.1 didn’t work o.k. for you, maybe 9.2 will do… If it doesn’t you can always try another distro…
Thanks, but any Linux OS will seem better after version 8.2 Maybe I’ll try suse next, I notice with this you, you have to restart the os to view the menu that are just installed, I don’t plan to compile anything yet, because of the limited space of my 6 GB drive, I have only 1000 MB left on the hard drive and 64 MB of ram. The installation wizerd is different then what I’m use to in 8.2. This version of mandrake or Xfree seem to handle my display better, but only goof up if I run a open GL, ofcourse I don’t have a 3d gaming card so they are pretty much worthless at the moment, So what’s are the draw backs with 9.1, besides the problem with the raid feature ?
Linux seems to work best with onboard component or it could just be the hardware.
I like the kid games that comes with it, it keeps my nephew busy and educational too.
Not to start a war or anything negative here, but why do all people (more or less) bash windows? I mean, I work on WinXP Home and I haven’t had a single thing that would bug me and I couldn’t fix.
reasonable linux distributions (mandrake, suse …) come with EVERYTHING I need, windows xp is just windows, no office application, no reasonable text editor (I use kate btw), no ide nor compiler (I use kdevelop and gcc), no reasonable graphics program (and a horrible viewer), no reasonable web server, no python, no perl (though I don’t use perl at the moment, it is worth noting), no make, little customization options (without hacks)
So, linux is more complete
windows costs extra if you want to be productive
(let’s see here, office xp proffessional, photoshop elements (more compareable to the gimp, and not expensive), visual studio, that increases your software costs to about $800, I think linux is very much worth the effort)
Did I bash Windows ? I think the only reasionable drawback with Windows is it’s security, It comes with three backdoors “BUILT IN” along with it and MS yearly license that must be renew every year or so. There’s also a fee that must be paid if you wish to use it as a server, that depends how many calls are perchase. It does stall or crash once in awhile, but the only benifit I could see with windows is the limited requirement, compatiable games and access to software modem. I strongly believe that the Linux community need to manufacture hardware modems, it would be a good profit in the opensource world.
reasonable linux distributions (mandrake, suse …) come with EVERYTHING I need, windows xp is just windows, no office application, no reasonable text editor (I use kate btw), no ide nor compiler (I use kdevelop and gcc), no reasonable graphics program (and a horrible viewer), no reasonable web server, no python, no perl (though I don’t use perl at the moment, it is worth noting), no make, little customization options (without hacks)
Don’t use WindowsXP because it doesn’t ship with free software? %|
Come up with better reasons for not liking XP.
reasonable linux distributions (mandrake, suse …) come with EVERYTHING I need, windows xp is just windows, no office application, no reasonable text editor (I use kate btw), no ide nor compiler (I use kdevelop and gcc), no reasonable graphics program (and a horrible viewer), no reasonable web server, no python, no perl (though I don’t use perl at the moment, it is worth noting), no make, little customization options (without hacks)
So, linux is more complete
windows costs extra if you want to be productive
(let’s see here, office xp proffessional, photoshop elements (more compareable to the gimp, and not expensive), visual studio, that increases your software costs to about $800, I think linux is very much worth the effort)[/quote]
ok within a few days after buying Windows i have everything i need and i have it for free LOL
AVG antivirus
Kerio firewall
Gimp for windows
602 office suite, with word/excel clones
star downloader
blah blah blah more stuff
ha ha more complete, IMO i have more usefull stuff in windows than in my default linux install that is free.
yes linux comes with stuff at startup but anythign new you want to add is gonna be more hassle than windows is.
i am not saying linux is bad beacause i use it, but i am defending windows from Linux zeloits who think thye are “all that”
sure many of the programs i talked about are based on linux apps, but hey is that not a good thing
For me it’s about configurability and control. I just love how versatile the GUI is or can be. If you have other demands to your windowmanager, you can just switch and that’s that. And then there’s all that crap (the good kind) z3r0 d mentioned. I really like then unix way of organizing everything into “files”. And almost everything you’d like to configure can be done by editing textfiles.
Besides, you’re kinda closer to the opensource community… and you’ll be able to compile stuff from source yourself, not having them to do it for you.
I like Windows XP too, even though I, more or less, only use it for Battlefield1942 and Desert Combat (540mb mod :O). On my main computer (specs lower than the gaming PC but I do more stuff on this one, and it’s in my room) tho, I’ve got Slackware 9.1 installed and an Apache webserver set up so I can share files and experiment with PHP and MySQL. Also I’ve fitted Fluxbox on my personal preferences like a glove of some sort, and I almost feel like superman :Z.
nuff said for now I think
For some reasion a man dress up as a butterfly just seems creapy to me, so was that bug girl :o
ROTFLMAO very creepy Mr. Capone! Kind of like a cannibal in disguise.
I made the change starting with RH5.2 It was hard and still is in a lot of ways. What bugged me was the stinking spyware that M$ put in software I paid for! I had these tools in place that showed my web surfing was watched. Then there was the find fast device that recorded and my computer activity. The media player was always connecting to them also when I was on line. That’s a bunch of crap if I may use the common vernacular. Then there was the little RH icon that would occasionallly pop up on the screen when doing the RH install, “You wouldn’t buy a car with the hood welded shut would you?” If someone really wanted to get into the guts and nooks and crannys of his linux box he could. It’s so versitile that it’s scarry. I am far from a geek but just the few CLI things I have done amazed myself :o There’s no going back for me unless the community caves in. I’m thinking of switching to Debian in the not too distant future.
Isn’t Debian like… waaay hard to install ?.. Slackware is like Debian light ;)… same philosophies
Things are slowly changing in the waaay hard to install department of Debian. They just released a new installer and there’s talk of .deb and .rpm becoming compatible. A new distro named USERlinux based on Debian is in the works that is supposed to give RH a run for it’s money.
I did a woody install about a year ago and it wasn’t too bad. Once ppp is running apt-get update is nice BUT I’m way back in the booney’s on a 28600 baud connection :o :-? :o so I went back to the RH CD install. I have had up to 3 flavors of linux on my harddrive at a time. (all easily accessed by eachother without trashing my personal files-you gotta love it) If anyone is really interested in doing linux and is freaked by the learning curve I highly recommend I’ve been on the list for years and learn more all the time. If you hit a snag they’ll get you through it with not a word about your absolute stupidity Great bunch of folks and not distro specific. They like Debian and will help along the way. They have an IRC channel also #blt.
You mean Debian can be installed ? You joking, right ?