Just How Important is Math?

Does someone have to be a straight-A math student in order to do well with Blender? I’m asking this because well, I stink at math. I barely squeaked out of geometry and I had to retake Algebra 1. It just doesn’t click for me. If math is in fact the deciding factor on how successful I can be in Blender, am I simply doomed to being a mediocre artist, or is there something I can do to get better at math? If so, what?
(Sorry for the self-pitying rant)

There’s not much math in most areas of blender. Nearly everything is visual or structural. Math doesn’t hurt though. In the node editor there are math nodes that can come in handy sometimes. And if you’re writing add-ons in python, you might need to do a calculation here and there, depending on what you want the add-on to do.

Overall, I’d say math is nowhere near as important as good organizational skills. Being able to organize your projects and workflows is absolutely crucial for getting good at blender.

lucky for you, its the computer that will be doing your homework here :slight_smile:

only unless your an architect with ocd (such as myself), math is very important. in fact, imho blender is fairly optimized for non-math creation. brushes and sculpting and the like.

blender might even help with math, watching the computer visually unfold its calculations.

There are some things in Blender that are slightly more technical than creative. Just like with other applications. Like working with sub-surf for example. Or animating. But advanced or even intermediate mathematics is not really a factor even then. You can get by just fine without it.

There’s nothing wrong with having a good understanding of it. In certain situations it would be useful. Like programming scripts or addons for certain tasks. Or for use with drivers.

I see maths as a kind of art in of itself. But I still don’t believe it would be a deciding factor in terms of creativity or artistic ability. With enough experience, talent and practice, an artist will be as good as they can possibly be. Maths, I think would only enhance that.

How important is “MATH!”

Very , it is very important in everyday things

now you do not need to be able to solve a diffy-q on paper with a #2 pencil

but normal everyday HIGHSCHOOL algebra and calculus and Geometry !!!

Relative to what aspect of Blender though? There are people who are not proficient with mathematics. That does not however translate into a lack of creativity or artistic ability. Which is what it seems CrabAuthor is concerned about. :slight_smile:

I don’t think the most challenging part is Blender specific. It’s the interest and persistence to keep absorbing all the information, knowing that the knowledge you gain also need to be updated constantly. Getting good at Blender? Blender can be used for most of these

which all include fundamentals, advanced techniques, and practice.

Blender is used for all kinds of things visual. Observation skills become important when you’re using the tool to produce something, because the end result of using the tools won’t be awesome unless you first know all aspects of awesome and command it to do that.

Art is surprisingly technical. It’s based on the real world, physics, and uses techniques that are made to be able to mimic the real world. That allows artists to communicate in more detail and more accurately.

Speaking of communication, you’ll learn none of that by asking extremely broad questions. If you have a problem with materials or whatever, focus on a particular problem and people might be able to help you. You’re trying to make something visual, this is a forum about visual arts, so use visuals while asking and post a .blend so others can do the same when trying to answer.



Well… some basic math at least… You’ll find that adding, or multiplying is something that comes often. You don’t need to be an A student, or to have any degree in Math. But is usefull to know what a vector or a coordinate are, what is the difference between radians and degrees, and some very basic algebra (like ‘how many centimeters 10 inches are’). These logic bricks are part of 3D, just like road signs are part of driving.
In the end, don’t try to look at math as something that you need to learn… That will block your learning process. It’s better to just have fun in the process, and try to be curious about it.

I would say less math as in algebra, etc. but more as to logic. Being able to work through nodes in the Compositor in a structured fashion, for example, is necessary to get desired results, diagnose problems, and so on.

Not necessarily a huge loss though - those who stink at the logic side typically do much better at the touchy-feely artistic side of Blender, and vice versa. Very few are good at both ends of the spectrum. Which is why there are places like this. :yes:

There’s only one answer: 42

OK. Here: -273.15, 0, 131, 451, 1984, 2017… some more answers or a fictional literature :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Rarely will anyone ever tell you, it is part of you as the cosmos is (or the water, if it helps you comprehend). It is one of the fundamentals for intelligence and everything there is… :slight_smile:

Math, as is presented is just an abstraction, yet simple as if observing & understanding nature… even if you’re graded an F, it doesn’t matter. It was just introduced or explained to you in the way that causes more confusion for you then understanding. Everyone is part of it and has it within itself. The fault lies in the elite closing the source of knowledge - making & creating an authority for the sake of the rule (math again ;))… grading, making multilevel standards within the system (more math), consequently creating patterns for confusion out of simple things, so to prevent open competition, equality in rights & sharing among people (math, math, math). :smiley:

Also Blender & everything CG is math. Enjoy it while you can :wink: