Just some trees

Hey guys. Long time Blender user, first time poster. I’ve been working on a project on-and-off for years and keep having to start over from scratch because models/renders always get more complicated than I can handle.

I’ve decided to try something new and reduce items to their basic elements in order to keep things manageable, keep me motivated and have a faster turnaround time. It also happens to fit into my current philosophy of reducing items to the core necessities.

Anywho. Here are some trees that I’ve modeled. Overall the project must have taken ~5 hours of guess-and-check including getting used to the 2.5 user interface. Now that I know how to make these, I could probably make a forest in that time. Lots of copy-pasting, sure, but it looks interesting, and definitely something usable if it’s going to be in the background.

Just wanted to post here to keep myself motivated. Feel free to post positives and negatives!

are you going to stencil map leaves for the trees ? , you could make a few different sets of trees parent the group to the ground plane and try dupliverts or make more with the array modifier.

They look very interesting the way they are, I think the effect works best on the third tree. Keep it up :slight_smile: