HARTFORD, Conn. - Two armed thugs tried to rob a line of people waiting for the new PlayStation 3 game system to go on sale in Putnam early Friday and shot one man who refused to give up his money, authorities said.
Is it really worth all of this? Just for a few moments of fantasy? Sheesh…
I’m not complaining - they are the reason that in a years time those of us with self control can get the console cheaper! Plus most of them were probably going to hawk the ps3s online.
Most of these “people” (if you can call them that) don’t have the necessary programming skills to use the power of the PS3 for anything more than playing games and surfing the web anyway.
However, even if they did, I just don’t see the urgency that would make people shoot each other over a console.
My gosh… I can’t believe people are serious enough about a GAME console that they would literally kill for it. Influence of violent video games perhaps?:rolleyes:
I’d riot too if I were one of the people at my local Target who camped out for days and then Target did a raffle at the last minute. So some people who had just gotten there got PS3s before those who had waited for days. That would definately make me snap.
It really amuses me that Valarking: the champion of online sarcasm, and condemner of those who do not recognise it, does not recognise it!
Dude, grow a sense of humour! If we can’t laugh at the terrible things that go on in the world we will end up moping around being depressed all the time!
It’s not as if you knew the injured (bullet) guy anyway.
And to LOTRJ: they were trying to get the money, rather than the PS3s (although that would have made more financial sense)
One guy gets injured due to stupidity in America and it is a tragedy. Thousands die in Darfur and few comment.
Dude, grow a sense of humour! If we can’t laugh at the terrible things that go on in the world we will end up moping around being depressed all the time!
Personally, I find nothing “funny” about terrible things going on.
Thousands die in Darfur and few comment.
Yet by your own logic we should “laugh” at this?
I think a lot of this ruckus is due to the fact that these units are being resold for up to $2,500. Seems like greed at work. Nontheless, it still seems like a real messed up thing. Over a GAME BOX?
If you read the article, several people were hurt when others tried to steal their actual consoles. I agree with pixelmass, I think it’s sad, not funny.
I don’t think we should laugh at this sort of thing… Death isn’t something to be laughed at.
AJC, I also find it offensive that you called America stupid. There are stupid people in every country (yes, even England :eek:) Oh, and forum moron doesn’t rhyme.
Might as well get back on topic before this thread gets locked…
It’s really stupid that there’s death over a freaking game console. A few moments of immersion. Weehee. Not worth it.
Sure it’s sad, but whats sadder is forcing yourself to suffer over a subject which involves someones miss fortune.
But guess what? He’s been shot, millions of other people have been shot. You’ve got cancer? so have plenty of other people. Affected by terrorism? Funnily enough, alot of other people have been too. A person just died? we’re all going to freaking die!
‘borat’ makes fun of jews, but he’s a jew himself? Did you know alot of people joke about sex because, actually their embarrased about it? Rape victims also joke about what happened to them cause’ it helps them forget and get over it.
Joking is good, even those who are at the face of death can be told a joke which, in some sense can be seen as sick but will be responded to well. However, there is the right time to say it, and the right people to say it to. You wouldnt make a dirty joke in front of your girlfriend’s dad, but in front of some friends you might.
No, terrible things arnt fun. Hell, homeless people, starving children, drinking and drviing victims, the list goes on… Do you really want to take everything that seriously pixelmass? cause i definatly dont want to live in a world where we’re all taking anti-depressents as standard.
I’ll joke about chavs cause I wont have to think wether or not im going to be stabbed by one when i walk home. I’ll joke about terroism so im not concerning myself with being blown up, i’ll joke about the poor cockle pickers that died cause if i got upset over everydeath, i’d be upset every second. That means we’ll actually have some emotion when it actually happens to us and our close family /friends, we’ll have respect for those who die, and we wont be emotionless zombies on anti-depressents, and we’ll actually get on with life and fix those problems
Let’s not forget humor is only used to digest a tragedy a while after it happened, NEVER just after it happened.
And not everyone is put up with your kind of relativation. We are individuals, we don’t think like the government does (“Just send those 200 soldiers to country X… they’ll die but it’s for the greater good!” Now be one of those soldiers). It’s good to be able to laugh about bad things, but there is a limit… beyond is called the land of apathy and sadism.
And not all people react by being funny about it. For instance, some victims of rape will become rapists themselves (note my use of the word “some”).
It’s plain pathetic to injure and even kill people because of that. Even if you’re a diehard gamer, will a couple of minutes waiting kill ya?
Not you, but it will kill others it seems…
No, terrible things arnt fun. Hell, homeless people, starving children, drinking and drviing victims, the list goes on… Do you really want to take everything that seriously pixelmass? cause i definatly dont want to live in a world where we’re all taking anti-depressents as standard.
No, I do not wish to live there either, unfortunantly, it seems to be more and more the case as there evolves an alphabetic soup of ailments to be countered with any number of pharma. It’s just curious how all of this is unfolding and yet…
A friggin’ game box? Imagine if there were countries, peoples and/or beliefs at stake? I dunno, maybe I shouldn’t even think about such things. I think maybe I’ll have a cup of coffee and think about all this…
Pardon me folks…
This thread is worrying. Is it really the case that this many people don’t get black humour? I really need to stop reading the OT threads, but it’s like a car crash situation…
That’s a nice strawman you have there. What’s his name?
Is it really worth all of this? Just for a few moments of fantasy? Sheesh…
What? Some people tried to rob others of an expensive object/cash. These people didn’t want to give up the expensive object/cash. How does this have anything to do with the PS3 apart from its value? Were the robbers saying “GODDAMN I WANT TO PLAY THIS RIGHT NOW GIVE ME THE CONSOLE”? Not as far as I can tell.
So, the news story is this:
People shot in robbery of expensive item.
Wow. News at 11 people.
One guy gets injured due to stupidity in America and it is a tragedy. Thousands die in Darfur and few comment.
One death is a tragedy, a million is just a statistic.
That wasn’t sarcasm. If you didn’t mean what you said, it wasn’t marked in any way. Smileys are on the right side of the reply box. Use them. Since what you said in your original post was more or less true, you weren’t laughing at the situation, you were expressing delight at them being shot. Big difference, it needs to be indicated…
Basically, it’s the difference between South Park making some intentionally cringe-worthy Steve Irwen jokes and then someone saying that Irwen deserved it.
Dude, grow a sense of humour! If we can’t laugh at the terrible things that go on in the world we will end up moping around being depressed all the time!
I laughed at this incident, I’ll definately say that. I don’t think he deserved it. EXCEPT that he didn’t hand over the money when a gun was pointed at him, but still no one deserves to be shot for that…
One guy gets injured due to stupidity in America and it is a tragedy. Thousands die in Darfur and few comment.
I’ve already donated money for the situation in Darfur and I am helping organize a fund-raiser to raise money to aid refugees…
Cliff’s Notes:
It’s not wrong to joke around about this stuff but due to lack of any sarcasm indicators at all, and the fact that I was expecting some kind of comment like that from some of the grumpier forum members, I didn’t, and still don’t really, understand how it’s sarcasm.
Cliff’s Notes on Cliff’s Notes:
Who gives a shit, it’s the internet, I’m going to play NWN2.
And last, for the sake of amusement, I’m going to blame all of the mass hysteria and violence on Sony. 200,000 units. WTF!!!
And the only people who got them are going to resell them and almost no one will want to buy them.
Reminds me of Pokemon cards when they were going out of fashion… Everyone stocks up and tries to sell, but everyone else is too busy doing the same thing or too poor to afford to pay premiums.
It’s plain pathetic to injure and even kill people because of that. Even if you’re a diehard gamer, will a couple of minutes waiting kill ya?
Not you, but it will kill others it seems…
LOL you obviously haven’t heard about the situation here. Every single store selling these has people that have been camped (literally, in tents and beds) outside of the store for DAYS.