Just when you thought Word was safe again...

Oh the terror! Oh the humanity! Say it isn’t so! It’s so horrible! The multitudes flee in terror as CLIPPY RETURNS!

Just a quick image I did in my free time today. Docotored a little in GIMP, other than that it’s pure Blender.

This film is rated R for scary imagery, adult themes, and scenes depicting graphic violence against computers.



Just one thing bothered me…the tombstone could be smoother around the top edge…It looks kind of like you had way to many polygons and then tried to smooth it using subsurf.


NO!!! They’re killing Clippy??? Oh for shame!!! How COULD they. He always was there for me sniff even when I didnt need him. And he never got in the way, except for like everytime I tried to get to the menu, and if I was patient with him, like, very patient, he would sometimes move out of the way. Otherwise, he always looked at me and made me feel so sorry for him when I would print as he horribly distorted himself through the paper path. So I gave up printing because of him; think of the trees that I saved. And of course, I must eulogize on the wonderful poinant pertinent help he would offer at the most inopportune times. He helped me get so distracted that to this day I practically shout with Glee when I click help and have to wait for him to wake up so that I can tell him my question and he can offer 10 topics that have little or nothing to do with my need. But reading through them was always such fun, and took so long. Clipit will be sorely missed.

That’s IT. I AM NOT UPGRADING TO VISTA. We need to start a Bring Clipit Back (BCB) campaign. Who’s with me?

This is hilarious - especially the “do you need any help” bit.
The “Clippy Returns” is hard to see/read though, and I would almost suggest you drop it completely. Otherwise its all good.

Oh crud this is a funny image.

Hey, it looks like you’re making a topic with an image about me, what do you want to do.

Great image plantperson, though a little too dark for me, 3 stars

:confused: I don’t get it.

inspired by userfriendly?

Partly, yes.
I’m glad you all liked it!

thumbs up.
I like the way people get driven mad by this … thing :wink:

It was supposed to be what clippy would say if he saw this image.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Clippy registered on this forum just to comment on his own image and started annoying everyone to heck:spin:

Are you saying that wu-man should change his avatar? :smiley:

lol, makes me laugh. The “looks like you’re fleeing in terror…DO YOU NEED ANY HELP?!” is so funny. although I think you should definitely drop the “clippy returns” green text, it is hard to read.