Welcome back JWC
Welcome back!
How was your vacation?
Good, wasn’t really a vacation, just a busy summer, I was skipping a grade in math.
Hey Guys, If you are still interested, here is a couple of renders of an asset I made for unity:
I hope you enjoy
Also I will probably make it a point to only post more minor projects/WIPs here, and post larger finished projects with their own topic!
Cool gun! Unity you say, are you planning on modding or other game-related stuffs?
I am making a game for a class, and I figured it would be fun to make assets.
Here is another new project, just for blender, and trust me, no topology issues :
Ahem, ignoring that, it looks cool to me:
Still lacking textures, but It has been a fun experiment into greebles.
Feedback please!!! I know it is wip, but I want areas of improvement!
Looking great, maybe work a bit more on textures.
Very nice, maybe I’d keep some part with less greebles to add some variation.
Yes, @DNorman, I plan to get better textures, but I spent a while experimenting with greebles, and I was hasty as far as textures. and @BG_Division I do plan to take some of the greebles off the bottom and to make that part back, kinda like a heat shield on space shuttles. And I will definitely need to work more on everything. Thank you guys so much for the feedback!
Here is a quick procedural planet I made:
I plan to have an experiment into the scary world of compositing on Monday to try to add a sun with lens glare.
But also, while trying to do what I set out to do, and get some lens glare, I ran into an issue with compositing, if anyone could provide advice, it would be much appreciated!
Also, here is another quick blender project:
A segment of broken brick wall, it will be used as a unity asset, I used cell fracture addon, and wall factory in the extra objects addon, both comes with basic blender, and it was a good fun experiment, and should provide a good asset for unity, assuming the normals are okay, yikes!
Also, do you think I should show my planet with rings as my new current cover photo?
- Keep it as it is
- Make the planet my new cover photo
I would add a space ship to it first!
Anything to your taste, man. Since you don’t have one, it would be a nice background pic (the big one in your bios, you can change it in the preferences - User Card or PF Header). Add the ship if you like!
Here is an update, I need to adjust the focus so it doesn’t look like Adobe Photoshop, but I am getting somewhere:
Also, still working on the sun affect.
Here is a quick asset/animation I made, it is a spawn pad for multiplayer functionality (hopefully):
Workshop render:
All made in v2.83.5 a little later version, was on a different computer.