10 seconds/making a model
WOW looks like you are really getting that technique down! I really love the one that looks like an ornamental box. Super cool!
my favourite is the suction cup ball …
fantastic little thingys.
make them bounce and roll.
hey man those are cool
but don’t let me be sceptical LOL
what can these things be used for (ha ha ha ha yeah i gotta ask LOL)
but the method and stuff looks interesting.
Nice stuff endi. I have played with your method a bit and get very similar results.
Thanks again for sharing!
Cooll images
Alltaken, I can think of a number of things:
- Architectural elements
- Decorative elements
- assembled into abstract scuptures, or stand alone as such
- used for ‘otherworldly’ objects, or to ‘alienize’ a scene.
- deconstructed, and used as pieces for,…well, lots of things.
- used in a dreamlike or psychodelic animation.
- used as a relic, or other supernatural object
Is that enough?
realy cool models endi
Just so you know, it works with all meshes. Not just cubes.
Here is an icosphere:
i guess i don’t get it. what is the technique?
Wow, those are really cool. The best I could come up with were things that looked like vertibrae, cool but not that useful.
Wow…these look remarkably like diatoms. Look them up on google and see if you can recreate a material to have these guys appear like them and they’d be absolutely amazing looking. AWESOME.
DeSoto, I was thinking they resemble diatome, and also some chrystaline mineral structures. Also, a couple look like pods.
I can use this technique to make ornamentic-like things, decorations for pillars etc. I will make pictures.
those are VERY cool
Those are really cool. My fav is the last on the third row, which looks like an alien sticking its tongue out. cool.
wow looks good
Cool, but what the heck are they for and whats up with, "10 seconds/making model? They are Cool though. what kind of modeling methods did you use to create them.
im impressed. i made a wad of gum.