I am following the Kara Training Series from Blendercookie. However I do deviate a bit by using my own drawings as a base. This is my first big Blender project.
Here the results of my work so far. I have finished the base mesh and I am now at the sculpting stage. It took me approx 2 weeks to get this far.
It looks excellent so far, but personally I would add another edge loop right where that quad on the upper cheek area is showing a bit of a diagonal shadow between the upper left to the lower right vertices. It doesn’t seem to show up in the subsurfaced version, so, probably not a big deal.
Great start!
I would advise though to use photo references instead of drawings when studying anatomy … and for hands and feet and such you can always study your own …
@Modron : You where right, I did adjust it a bit and it looks better now. You grow blind for that kind of details when you look to much at it, it seems.
@dOMINUS : Thanks for the advise. It does indeed help, looking more at the reference images. However I think my anatomy would look a bit strange on her.
I am working on the feet and clothes now, so hopefully the sculpting will be done soon. I will post some pictures then.
I think I finished the sculpting on the body. Now on to the clothings.
I colored part of the kanga to check for faces coming through the top layer, when I found out the random chosen color looked good. So I did assign it to some faces to give it a nicer look. It still has to be sculpted though. I probably will use this color in the texturing too, because I like it.
@Novaslayer Thanks, I am glad you like it. It is indeed supposed to be a bit stylized. I try to keep as close as possible to my initial 2D drawing. And I can not draw very realistic.