Kart racing vehicle wrapper?

Every vehicle wrapper I’ve used was ‘realistic’, and the car would feel like an actual car. (OH GOD HOW TERRIBLE! :spin:)
What could I do to get the generic “kart racing” feel?

Thank you all for your time!

I wont call the blender car wrapper that ‘realistic’. I think it is quite good for arcade games. All you need is to handle the gravity on your own and add some anti-flip code to keep the car upright…
btw could you elaborate this ‘Kart feel’?

Karts will have a different ‘suspension’ (very firm), and its gravity point (origin) is closer to the ground. Also set ‘roll’ to a fairly low value. Also the grip of the tires is higher than regular vehicles.

The result should be that in corners, at the right speed you will spin out of control.

I think you mean “drifting”. Indeed you can do that with the vehicle wrapper. At least it is possible in my test files. But the drifting feels a bit to strong.

I think you can adjust that with the friction values but I’m not that sure.

Sorry for the late reply,
I’ve got my go-karts + characters modeled. I’ve searched around and can’t get a Vehicle Wrapper script to work :[

@Roylen John: It may or may not be a clone of Mario Kart (to be even MORE specific, Super Circuit/64)

I’ve watched a couple videos and failed to follow.
Is there another way to do so without scripts? Sorry for being so picky

EDIT: Preferably Servo Motion, but with some sort of script that stops the car from turning when stationary…