Kaydara Motion Builder - Free for 1 Year!!

You can get a copy of Kaydara Motion Builder free for 1 year!! Full version.

All you need to do is fill out the survey and it will send you to a DL section. Await your access code in your email and youroff to the races.

Link is here: http://www.kaydara.com/mailing/FBXQT_survey/index.html

Even if it does not support Blender files currently, you can still probably learn alot by using it. There is talk that it will be supporting Blender very soon.

Have fun!



must check it out…but first, dual 17 monitors ? /me ponders…

next week…maybe VDSL 12/9 mbps :stuck_out_tongue:

ztonzy: quit spamming peoples threads with your monitors and VDSL!! Your starting to get annoying like some other people on this forum!


P.S.: j/k BTW! :wink:

I haven’t received a registration code. Anyone else having this problem?

sorry :expressionless:

It’s OK man. I was just kidding! :stuck_out_tongue:

emtilt: I got this from over at CG Talk. A few people there wer saying the registration code took a little while.


I took the survey yesterday, downloaded the program, still waiting on the access code.

Got it now. I was under the impression that they sent it when you filled out the form, but actually you have to install the program first.