
not planning on texturing, but its a kbot from TA

Uh… I don’t mean to be harsh, but this is just bad. Modelling is close to none, lighting is null, materials are not even there, there is no composition and you say you’re not planning on texturing…

I sincerely hope this is just a joke.

@elek, sod off.
@evilyoshi, i think it would probably be better to post in works in progress, that way you’ll receive input on how to improve your model.
oh, and ta spring is the shizz!

Although its good your taking in interest in Blender 3D, I do not see why you are posting work which is at this calibre. You say your not going to be texturing it but what is there to texture? lol
If I were you I would improve your modelling knowledge and skills before you start posting finished projects and models.

Isnt there a member called kbot?

Anyways. Looks like it could be used in the game engine.

Every one of us started out in this phase when we just started using Blender.

I wouldn’t bash him on this, he probably has just recently started using Blender, even if he got a little excited and showed off some of his beginner work at a very early stage.

I’d tell him what he needs to do so be can be a better artist and start making work with basic knowledge in modeling, lighting, and texturing.