Keeping borders when Smoothing/Sud Dividing

When you create a character, then smooth and or surf sub, it makes the model really smooth and organic which is great!

Question is, If you want to keep parts with definition on the mesh, IE around the Eye Socket, Chin, forehead, Spikes on Hair etc…Is there away to Smooth and Surf Sub and still keep sections with that outlined fine line?

Add supporting edge loops with Ctrl R

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There is also crease edges… but this can get tricky for a beginner so use it sparely first :wink: or for testing someform variations.

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Ctrl R just adds more loops and doesn’t actually give the edges on the faces when you add a Sub Div and Smooth it still which is strange and I don’t want to add more verts to the character as don’t want it too realistic so not as high poly.

Trying to give it a simple look but still give it smooth shape with noticed edges on.

Crease Edges looks like it works with Bevel Mod, so this is interesting.

I will keep experimenting. Thank you for answers.

Supporting edges is a technical term and they of course add geometry and you have to slide the edges to your needs. Crease edges are also meant to use with Subdivision Surface modifier… which also adds geometry but the smoothing of the edges is controll by the crease (so to speak) and not the re-positioning.


Thank you @Okidoki I have tried Crease with the sub surf and looks like it is working.

I have seen models which seem low poly but at same time are smooth, so I was wondering how creators are being able to do a Low Poly Model but also have smooth surfaces with flat edges at the same time.

I can show picture examples if needs be but hope that makes sense.

Pictures would help.

Just remember that the effect of the subdivision surface modifier won’t affect your model if you export it, you will have to apply the modifier and that will increase the poly count depending on the level of subdivisions.

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Hi. Great advice as always forget to apply modifiers at moment as getting used to it all.

Ah so it increases on export. Makes sense.

Going to try the auto smooth 35 degrees and edge sharp which should do the trick hopefully which others advised.