Key Ops: Toolkit 0.2.1

Any reason to use one of these over the other, in your opinion?

And one more thing: any plans to add fbx to the quick export? Cheers.

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I use both, and they are both excellent :slight_smile:

  • Mio3 UV
    Very nice and clean UI layout with nice-looking icons. It is a bit more character art-focused, but also very good at general UV editing.

  • UniV
    Not as nice a UI, I guess, but stronger in terms of basic operations. I feel like they are more robust and have overall better performance. Especially the straighten operation, which is about 10–25x faster than all other UV addons I’ve tried. So, while it does not look as good, I feel like it’s technically better.

I might add it in the future if I get time :slight_smile:


Thanks. I ended up installing both last night. I had a lot of props to unwrap today so I was able to test them out. :smile:


Awsome! Looks great! :ok_hand:

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hi there i like your addon as i work in maya and in maya i prefer dissolve points than delete, is there any way i can change the addon , from delete points to dissolve points.i know i can add to quick favorites, put i will prefer like in your addon, delete for selected .cheers thanks for this great addon

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Hi @luta_si

You can just use the deafult Blender shortcuts for dissolve, Ctrl X or Ctrl Delete :slight_smile:

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Sorry if you’ve covered this but I couldn’t find anything in the docs or this thread. Brilliant idea making a triplanar modifier, but I’m not seeing a blend setting?

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Its not possible to blend since it just sets uvs, no shaders involved :slight_smile:

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Oh right, sorry, I didn’t check UVs as I thought it was a blended triplanar setup. :grin:

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When I switch to maya navigation,I do some little change hotkey:
frame selected .numpad to F,isolate selected / to Alt+Q,wire frame on shaded to Shift+W,Anl fill face F to Ctrl+F,work perfectly.

New UI overhaul:


Trying out a new experiment, Maya style Pivot in edit mode:
Maya Pivot in Edit Mode



New Features:

  • Smart Apply Scale - Based on Scale with modifiers by Artem_Poletsky now uppgraded for Blender 4.3 and Geomtry Nodes Support!
    Smart Apply

  • Live Booleans is now a optional! Turn it off to make it more interactive to transform you booleons, since it will not recalculate every frame but instead just when you confirm the transformation modal.
    None live booleons

Perfomance is the best when not using gizmos to move the object, instead use G, R, S

Bug Fixes:

  • Lots of smaller bugfixes
  • Fixed Errors on Mac in recent versions

I start to continuity my project with add-on toolkit,just I press button delete object,the ram up automatically,when I disable add-on key Ops,the ram working normal.

After I check every key Ops settings,I found Polycount List can increase ram up when I delete object from scene,I disabled this option.

Hi, do you have a file I could test this this in? I am unable to replicate the issue. I wonder if the evaluted mesh for getting the poly count is not properely cleared or something.

This happened in this file ,in the other files it’s ok,I guess scene have lot element,or maybe something else.–RLp3pyiU/view?usp=drive_link

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Thanks! I will take a look :slightly_smiling_face:

I tested the file, but on loading it its alwayse take around 20GB RAM, with and withoute key ops. Deleteing objects does increase the usage, but no diffrance with or withoute key ops. I tried for like 15min to find any diffreances in usage, and could not find any.

I do have 48GB of RAM, whereas you seem to have 21GB, so it might make a diffrence since you might run into memory limations making it appear to take smaller since its offloaded to the harddrive. I see that for instance you have only 8GB used RAM while the file is loaded, whereas for me it was never under 14GB for just the .blend file.

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Thanks for your feedback,What different polycount option if enable or disable?
All working fine,just I disable polycount.

It shows a list of all the objects (or custom filtred ones) in the scene and there poly count:

You can read more about it here :slight_smile: