Keyblade (be gentle)

This is my first attempt at modelling from a picture, I know I will probably get blasted for how terrible it is, but there are a lot of things I am still understanding about Blender (which will be noticable such as a very square project, nothing curved, no mirroring so one side looks different to the other, no colouring etc.)

The first pic is what I tried to do, the second is what I did. :eek:


Relax Calis, nobody here “blasts” other people if their modeling isn’t the best thing seen…
The model isn’t so bad but as you’ve said yourself it needs to follow the lines of the reference object better, now it looks blocky. You can use subsurf, to make the edges smoother and more round like, but some areas that are really curve-like need to be better defined with edge cutting. Keep working on it, you’re doing fine.

Actually, I think it’s pretty nice, though I don’t know what it is.
Zazu is right, some tweaking and it will be fine.

yea no doubt. It looks very good. Not identical but that isnt a problem at all. Alot better then alot of my first models… probally better then alot of my newer models as well.

You shouldnt be so hard on yourself… Not to say dont be hard at all after all were probally are own best critic :wink:

Quantum how could you not know its a keyblade :stuck_out_tongue: JK My guess is its a key thats a blade… or prehaps a blade thats a key… You could use it to unlock a door then hack away at some hideous monsters :smiley: all with the same instrument

Errrrr, of course! Just the thing I always wanted!

LOL, I agree was just looking for one on ebay

Thanks guy for the feedback, I will work on it and learn more from tutorials.

A Keyblade is the weapon in the PS2 game(s) Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2.

Anyway I really appreciate the feedback.
Thanks again.

:smiley: :eek: woah who doesnt kno wut a keyblade is??!!
sry i was freaking out cause my mom walked into the room and scared me and that was the first thing i saw…
Its awsome!! i too agree with zazu