I am trying to copy the keyframes from one frame to another frame (walk cycle), but when ever i copy paste key frames, the result is not same, it is always distorted.
Please note that , i am using IK only , and animations are made for Unreal development Kit.
All major bones/Ik/Poles are parented.
Do you want to paste the exact same pose or do you want to paste a flipped pose ?
Because pasting flipped works with the origin as the mirror reference.
edit : Sorry, I’ve believed you talked about the copy/paste pose feature inside pose mode.
Are the two keyframe really different or just a little ? A small difference when copying some keyframes can be due to the F-Curves interpolation.
thanks for the reply, and sorry for shooting half baked question
yes , i am talking about flipped pose. and i don’t use f-curves. it is just a simple walk cylce (no refinement with f-curves anything)
Kindly, elaborate a bit about origin stuff?
The most frequent problem I see with the paste flipped pose not working correctly has been a bone roll issue. Turn on the display of the bone’s axis (armature panel) and make sure in the rest pose the axis of the bones are the same from the left to right sides. For example: if the left arm bones have their z-axis point upwards, make sure the right side arm bone’s z-axis is pointing upwards as well. Also, check that the bone’s names match, UpperArm_L and upperarm_r don’t match.
As said revolt_randy, having a symmetrical armature is really important before starting animation, for its geometry as well as its bones roll and the bones names need to match perfectly.
Also you need to be sure to select all the keyframed bones of the first keyframe before copying the pose and the same before pasting it.
And as I said in my first post, you need to know that the mirror center will be the origin of the armature.
Thanks for all the info. I tried everything, but it is still problematic. however, i am attaching the file for review. http://www.pasteall.org/blend/9005
All right, there’s two problems on your armature :
first, the orientation of the bones axises are not symmetric ; go in edit mode on your armature, select all the bones, press R then RMB, this will reset the bones roll and the armature will be symmetrical ; this will solve the problem for the arms and the legs.
Now, the second problem is, the flipping for the paste flipped feature on the non double limbs (spine, pelvis, head, … etc) will work along the X axis, and if you look at these bones, you’ll see that the X axis points to the back. So, what you need to do is to reorient these bones with their X axis pointing to the side (no matter which side) ; select one of these bones in edit mode, press ctrl+R to rotate along the bone and type 90 (or -90 depending on which side you choose) then press enter. A first bone is reoriented ; now, select all the non double bones, and select the reoriented bone in last, for it to be the active bone, press ctrl+N and choose “Active bone”.
Now, you should be able to use the past flipped feature without any unexpected poses.
edit : here’s a quicker method to reorient the non double bones : select all of them in edit mode, pass in front view, press ctrl+N and choose “View Axis” :eyebrowlift:
I agree, this is something you cannot guess, you need to know it, anyway “paste flipped” is not the only thing that works this way (along the X axis without another choice), in edit mode, or in weight paint mode for example, there’s a X mirror option that you can enable but you wont be able to choose another axis ; I think it’s not a problem anymore now you know it.