Keyframe order gets distorted when attempting to move any keyframe

Suddenly, it seems that when I attempt to move a single keyframe, no matter in what place, two black lines appear next to it. Once I drag it and leave it in a different position (I am in the DopeSheet but happens too with TimeLine) the whole animation gets distorted. That is, what I drew in the first keyframe appears in the last position and the rest also change to an apparent random place.

I am a bit afraid that everything will move from place and I won´t be able to un do it.

Those two black lines are proportional editing. It extends whatever transform to things in the area marked by the borders you see. You can turn it off on the shelf- its the circular button.


God! You are my Blender Guru now KamauKianjahe. Thank you so s :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:o much!

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