Keymap for addons

THANKS !Yesterday I try to add it to the preference class but it can only draw the tile box. Now it makes ! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

ow thats a nice one! Much easier then the current i use which loops of keymap items and checks for custom props ive added.

Im trying to figure out a method to be able to save preset for addon keyitems. This is quite a difficult one. I dont want the main keymaps to be saved, i only want the items from the addon. So i can be loaded and saved. Been looking in the core code which saved keymaps… this is going to be tough one

Any one have ideas or perhaps tips?

So basically what i want is that only the keymap items which are preset in the addon, being stored as custom keymap for addon, nothing else. I guess i need to alter the excisting operators and add those to custom files