Keys don't snap to frames in timeline - Blender 4.0

dont know why but animation keys dont snap to the exact frame , i can postiton them in between at any point.

any help here?

thanks thomes

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By default, keyframes are snapped to frame.
But that is possible to disable snapping. So, if it had been disabled, even temporary, that may happen.
So, you have to display Dopesheet header, to check if snapping is disabled.
You have to have it enabled.
Then, you have to use Shift S menu to snap keyframe to nearest frame.

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thanks a lot zeauro :ok_hand: searched in timeline and found nothing :sweat_smile:

I also forgot to precise, that if you set an FPS to a decimal value like 23.98 or 59.94, and change snapping to Second instead of Frame : you can obtain same kind of offset.

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I feel like this is still an issue in the latest versions: even with snapping on if you try to scale keyframes in the Graph editor they end up on subframes. Grabbing and shifting keyframes usually still snaps them but that scaling issue can end up breaking the snap feature entirely… Anyone else notice this?

Not in 4.0.1. Not with snapping to frame enabled, without time stretching, without custom framerate + base. Just tested. Scaled keyframes at 10 by 0.75. They end up at 8.0 exactly.

Issue must be new to 4.0.2 (version I’m testing)- even in a fresh scene scaling doesn’t snap.

Just downloaded 4.0.2 to check (it didn’t seem to have any features worth downloading, but I do enough support for others, I ought to be up to date), and, still doing the same thing: keyframe at 10, cursor at 0, scale 0.75 in timeline, keyframe is now at 8.

Maybe something in your user preferences?

hey that’s an issue in 4.0 that has been solved for 4.1

to work around that, enable “Scale” in the “Affect” section of the snapping settings in the 3D viewport.

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Solved! Thanks!

Found this answered on another forum for how to get it to work in the timeline as well which was my issue. Putting it here to help people with the same issue as myself.

Comment by dragonman9001 on reddit:
“It only works if you snap keyframes on the graph editor tab. If you go to Graph Editor and select the magnet icon on the top right, then snapping will turn on and you can move the frames without having it slide in between. I don’t know why this option doesn’t exist on the timeline but that should solve the issue.”