Kind of a noob question

Ok, I have had blender for sometime, but haven’t had the time to sit down and learn a lot about it.

If i created an object with a material and bones, is there a way i could import into another blender session?


Select the blend, then click on “Object”, then select the object you want to append to your current file. RMB select multiple objects.

Ahh ok thanks alot.

i am a very new on blender so i also have some nooblet questions :o :-

  1. i have lost some menu how can i show it again ???:stuck_out_tongue:
  2. how can i change my theme ??:o
    ((i am just a noob ))

Which menu? Maybe it one you only see in Edit mode?

In the User Prefs window, Themes, Add New, change what you want and save as default with Ctrl-U.


If you’ve lost all menus off of a menubar / header, look for a little triangle button-thing. It’s for hiding and showing the menubar part of headers.

i have found no triangle thing:no: …this is how it looks :frowning:

whoa, you using vista?
not sure, but try underneath the file toolbar, wait until the cursor changes into the up-down arrow, right click and do split, then change it into 3D view.


You might try the Ctrl-Curser down, That should shrink window to normal size.

For more info check the wiki here under Changing Window Frames.

dudes he just pulled down his User Preferences window all the way or actually, looks like he made it full screen.

Press Shift-Space to restore the window to normal size.


whoa, you using vista?

well yes but it really sucks coz its all used animations and slows down your pc too much & i want to format it into ubuntu(linux) better than windows …thanx every one but i have reinstalled blender LOL