Kingdom of Ice

This is a little scene I’ve created. I guess the ice does not look like real life ice at all, but the scene isn’t real life so I guess it will have to do.

Comments will be highly appreciated.

to much work for only one Picture

I think the foreground is too dark. Everything just sort of blends together and it isn’t immediately apparent what’s going on. The modeling of the character looks pretty good; maybe you could add some fill lights from the side to bring out the details or make it more dramatic.

i love the concept of this, however i would maybe add some “divine” streamed light to the character

Thank you very much for the comments! I have some stuff going on, so it sometimes take me a while to return to my threads.
I’m dropping this project, since it is too time consuming for such a basic scene. And because of my studies, I can run only one project, which is going to be a spaceship project.