Kitchen interior

First of all i wanna introduce myself in my first post.
I’m watching and reading the forum for long time and i’m intrested in 3d now for 3 years i think. But never started it to practice and improve my skills. But now I want change and I want to be better, so critique is apreciated :slight_smile:

I made some modell but nothing with worth and i decieded to make something bigger with time in it. So here is my first project, a kitchen interior. The main idea is from blenderguru video tutorial, but im not making it on thy fly, so i wathced the video then i make it myself.

And like all the new guys, i got some issues :slight_smile:

The most serious issue is with the drawers. The corners are weired and i dont know why :S and the shadow is weired too but thats maybe only becous the lamp and the modelling. Other thing is the walls. they gone fully black, intresting…

So please help somehow :slight_smile: thanks:

ps.: maybe its too big for first try? should i play with a bit easier piece, some idea would be nice :slight_smile: )

Have you tried selecting everything and recalculating normals???

ye, i tried it and nothing happened :S but if i dorp a lamp near it, the shadow of the drawer is okay so its not a big problem, but the wall is intresting, sun lamp does nothing :S

I also worked in new construction installing cabinets, and I don’t think you would ever see a sink like that. The counter top would encompass the whole sink on the front side. You also need a back splash on your sink counter. Its usually just another piece of counter material that runs the length of the counter top, about 3 inches high i guess. With caulking holding it all together where the counter and back splash meet… if you want that much detail.

Also your island is more of a table. Ditch the legs and make it a box with the same material as the cabinets. It can have shelves or more lower cabinet doors and/or draws. Most also have an outlet near the floor in the center of one side of the island.

The distance in vertical height between the sink and counter top would most likely not be so steep either. It would be nearly flush I’d imagine. Your sink is huge all around.

Also an outlet or 2 cut into the missing back splash of the counter top with the sink for appliances and such. One on either side perhaps.

… its also common practice to have a window in front of/near the sink… if its on an outside wall… which most are.

Oh yeah… there is also an area for your toes at the bottom of all cabinets. Usually the bottom of the door/bottom of the cabinet is about 3 or 4 inches off the ground. And those 3 or 4 inches of space are set in (3 or 4 inches) for toe space. … I hope that makes sense. Your cabinet goes straight to the floor, and only wall units do that.

yea. its all right what you said.
at start i just made the walls then throw the camera in and then jsut adjusted height for the view angle then i realized its not too good way :S is there any way to make it realistic without measureing all the objects?
should have started with something easier, but got no idea on some training piece :frowning: this kithcen is pain in the… maybe i will start it again with measurements.

No real need to measure… just eyeball it. Raise up the doors/drawers, shrink em a little on the z axis if you have too, and move the area under the lowest drawer, and under the doors, “in” a litte.

Hi, the kitchen is fine for first try, I think. But if you want to make some 3d objects and create test renders, the ambient occlusion is better than a single light (or a group of lights). You can find it in Properties -> World -> Ambient Occlusion. I prefer Raytrace than Approximate. After setting this thing you can erase your light and render it ;). I downloaded your blend file and tried it, it looks fine :wink: BTW: Set samples at least on 12.

[Sorry, english is not my native language. ;)]


Hey Sorex,
Now take my advice with a grain of salt, because I am by no means a Blender expert. But I checked out your blend file to see if I could figure out what your issue is (as I remember having many moments like you’re probably having).

The issue with the weird shadows on the cabinets is because you set the shading to “smooth” instead of “flat”. Smooth works really well on curved surfaces, like a sphere. Where flat works well on cubes, but not good on spheres.

I just uploaded your blend file, I changed the shading type to flat. I also changed your lights to area lights with really low energy and then added Ambient Occlusion via the World panel. No particular reason that I choose area lights, you can get away with using any light really. Just try playing with all the settings. Hope this helps!


kitchen-v2.blend (812 KB)

wow. thanks a lot. u amde my day. cos this smoothing stuff was a pain to me. i never knew how to get it right. i figured out its looks better alot with subdivison, but im new to creasing and wutith subdiv i used smooth cos i tought it will look better, and on the drawers the bevel/subdiv seemd better with smooth. but with some tweaks flat a lot better.
thanks again. i will rework the whole thing and scale them right and so on… updates will come, but with materials and textures i will need your help :slight_smile: never done something like that and its a mess for me so i got plenty of questions :slight_smile:

Like I said, I’ve been in your place. Just keep at it, read as much as you can.

I would highly recommend going through the tutorials on these two links:


And another couple of articles that I found incredibly useful for materials/textures/lighting, and would highly recommend reading at some point are here:


Best of luck!

Hello again. done some update. hope u like it :slight_smile:
but tons of stuff is coming too, now i go for the island in the middle.


not bad. :wink: you can add more details (vase on the table, dishes or something like that)

Have you see these tutorial on making a kitchen? They are great and helped me a lot.

yea, saw that tutorial, thats why im making a kitchen :smiley: i tried some before but no sucess. but now i try as much as i can. here is a little update for the nigth, bit modificated the angle of the camera and the island is a bit intresting but hope it will work :slight_smile:
i will be off tomorrow so next update at mondey i hope :slight_smile:
(the whole thing is a bit darker becous of the angle change at the camera, we can see now the ceiling and i had to make it.)
