Kitchen room

Please need help. What did i get wrong in this project. Was is texturing, lighting or what?

Nothing is wrong per se, the materials are good in my opinion.
It’s just that nothing in particular stands out. What is everyone supposed to be looking at? What is the idea?
However, as a material and lighting study I think it’s good, keep it up!

The biggest thing that is wrong here is the composition. Even one object if placed very well in the canvass can look awesome. Here, the collection of object creates a composition that just uninteresting. Here are what I believe are some compositional faults in your image:

  1. You placed the most interestingly shaped object, the vase, on the very edge of the picture. That vase pulls our attention to the edge of the picture… and out of the picture which is not the thing you would want. You want our attention to be drawn into the picture and stay in the picture. Putting it closer to the center would work better. Maybe exchanged its position with that of the tin can (?).

  2. You place the green bottle in the middle. While horizontaly it is slightly of center, vertically it perfectly in the center and so are the other things, but this bottle cary more weight because of use of color. The placement of the color, however is in the most uninteresting location you could place it, the center. The tiny compact dark color in the center creates a ‘bull’s eye’ effect. And bull’s eyes in targets, are not really interesting.

  3. Large emply space at the bottom, all objects at the top. You just broke a guide in creating a composition. The lower part should be visually heavier compared to the top part of the composition. This is just a guide and it could be broken when needed, but in pictures like this, you should follow it.

  4. Objects are of uniform sizes and shapes and textures. You have two small objects with virtually the same height and three large object which are about the same size also. These objects are also round and smooth. The only exeption is the shelf. Still lives, like this, mainly creates its interest from the contrast and justaposition of the qualities of the objects in the still life. Big and small, shiny and dull, rough and smooth, fat and thin. soft and hard. These differences creates the necessary tension. That is why it is very common to see draped fabric in still lifes because its shoft and shapeless qualities creates interesting interaction with hard and solid subjects. This still life lacks that dynamic.

  5. Dissonance of the shelf with everything else. The shelf is the only object in the scene that has sharp edges and blocky shape and a warm color. It does not harmonize with the soft and smooth shapes and forms of the other objects and the overall cool temperature of the scene. It is the odd one out. Painting it white and making its shape softer would help it fit with everything else much better.

And then… be ready to not agree with me. These are all just advice and they might be wrong too. Just hope you find something helpful in there.