
Hi, remember WC # 200 ? well, I was participating in it but the rendertime hit me and I wasn’t able to make a contribution. Finally it’s all rendered and done after 84 hours of rendering so here it it.

Special thanks to Svensson who rendered this image for me.

thanks for stopping by.

/ foCus

Very nice but how the hell did you get 84 hours O.O?

Whats so timepushing in this image?

The cat looks very nice, almost pixar looking but the floor is imo a bit too large scaled, the kitten is imo maybe as bitg as a mouse :slight_smile:

That’s incredible! Great kitten and very funny scene and idea! I love the settings and night-feel and, well, it’s just very complete and proffesional.

84 hours, you must be mad! Or you’re using Indigo :P. I’m sure it has a very resonable explanation :). This one is definetely my desktop wallpaper the next few weeks!

Ow I just found out there is another kitten in the back… Very nicely done, I love your style.

If you really need some critique, the only thing I find a bit off is the darkness, at some places it’s too dark to see the detail, but for a WC it’s incredible. Hope you win :D.


The kitten is terrific, but the middle of the image is very dark and, could be my monitor but I can’t tell what’s going on in the picture at all. (It pains me to say that, knowing that the render took so long… why did it take so long?)

Very nice work. I like the idea and how the scene is composed.

It did show up a bit dark on my screen also, and I had to tweak
it a bit to see things.

A couple comments:

I would fire who ever did the plumbing for the drain on the sink.
The P trap isn’t installed correctly. The piping arrangement
should be shaped like the letter ‘P’ with the loop of the P
oriented to the floor. This is done to keep a standing column
of water to prevent gases from the drain line backing up into
the house.

Here’s a detail image:

or just search using the paramters “Plumbing P trap”

Also the head proportions/eyes arrangement for the
kitten in the front just seemed a little off for some reason
and sort of detracted from the cuteness factor.
It sort of looked like the cat’s head was stretched
vertically somewhat.

@ Roger:
This was for wc#200 and the current wc is #205.

-DanTe-: Thank you, well the most timecomsuming of the render was the fur, I think also it’s because I’ve used Arealamps and that takes hard on the rendertime with fur.

Roger: thanks man! glad you liked it.

bugman_2000: thank you, yes it’s a bit dark, I’ll see what I can do.

JarellSmith: Hi, haha well I never thought of the pluming but hey I’m glad I didn’t make it in reality. Was going for a somewhat cartoony/ Disney style and whanted to make the eyes stand out more.

thank you guys for these great replies.

oh and here is a render that is a bit brigher:

The kitten looks terrific, but as I know I never really had that huge of a rendering hit on fur, grass, whatever.

What are your computer specs?

Or what are your arealight settings, 4 to 8 samples usually work a lot faster then 16 for example.

Ha ha, I love the expression on the first cat!

The particles look great (I need to learn to use those) The lighting was terrible in the first render, it helps a lot that you brightened it up…

The cats look like they were professionally made, good job!

And I’m also curious about your computer specs.

Brightening the image up helped a lot, but I’m still finding the middle of the image a bit confusing. I think I’m having a problem with the dark strip that runs along the bottom of the cabinets which seems to be making it hard to see dark objects in front of it. The objects directly behind the small cat, for example, I can’t make out what those are at all. The other things look like plugs of grass and soil, but it’s not clear to me how they got there or what they are. Were they potted? Perhaps some more visible pot fragments would bring this out.

beautiful! I remember being dissapointed that your image wasn’t ready after seeing an early WIP, glad to see you didn’t give up on it.

Very cute!
The fur is nicely done…good job

Awww… they’re cute :slight_smile:
but nearly 4 days’ worth of rendering…
That’s a lot gulp

great image, glad you took the time to finish it,
and yeah, i wanted to give you my spot to move onto round two,
but Alltaken and his rules…what a fool that guy is

anyway, glad to see this finished, it is a bit dark covering up some of your detail that i really liked, maybe you could do a daytime version of this too? but overall the night time version rocks and i look forward to more of your stuff!

Icoxo: Thank you. I think the problem of the rendertime is the combination of particles and arealights. Did some test with it this morning and found out that for every strand you’ll get 4 shadows if the arealight is set to four. So that’s the big problem, I had around a 500 000 - 1 000 000 strands on the kittens, don’t remember right now but it was alot, and if each strand makes four shadows that means that it would take fourtimes the time to renderout the shadows, so I think that’s the problem with the rendertime. Won’t be using areashadows with particle fur anymore :P.

Alden: Thank you, I was going for a pixar/ disneyfeel to it, and I think it turned out pretty good.

bugman_2000: hi bugman, yeah the middle is a bit dark I can agree on that but that is because of the mans shadow that hits the middle of the scene, so if I try to brighten that up I get the feeling of that the cats and the rest of the scene gets too bright, more daylit. Since it was for wc 200 look what the cat dragged in, the story about it is that the kittens wanted to have some fun and play with the dirt to make pawprints on everything which they find very amusing. So they’ve dragged in alot of mud from outside, that’s why there aren’t any pottery.

TyFric: Thank you.

Jassar: Thanks man.

Charlesworth999: Thanks, yeah abit too long but I’m happy with the result, well I can’t say much else hehe because I don’t want to rerender it :stuck_out_tongue:

Wu: Hi there, thank you very much for that, haha yeah but he’s a great guy aswell, without him we wouldn’t have the WC :slight_smile: so thanks Alltaken.
Maybe I can try to make a daytime version but I was going for the nightversion all the time. Well I can see what I can do,but I can’t promise anything.

thank you all and have a nice day.