Knife - Timelapse + .blend

Hi everyone

This is a knife designed by myself, modeled and rendered in blender 2.5
Feel free to use it or study it as you wish.



Hi. very nice. good texture and lightning. Thanks for sharing.

WWWWow, nice lighting. That’s half the challenge in all my work, I’ve found. The surface of the metal has a great texture to it too.

Render one with the knife stabbed on the table. May get an interesting scene there.

looking good and thats a big blend file… :wink:

Thank you for your comments!

The texturing and lightsetup is actually quite simple, just a basic light and some environment lighting.

looking good and thats a big blend file…

Well, the biggest reason for that is the packed textures I guess. But they are necessary for the scene to work.

Render one with the knife stabbed on the table. May get an interesting scene there.

Well, here you have a quicky :wink:

Very nice model, want to share it with the community, upload it to

Nice job thanks for sharing your workflow and blend.

I’d have to agree with mofx, it would be great if more people would upload to blendswap it’s a great resource, and it’s way easier to find a model there as opposed to buried in a forum.

I couldn’t agree more, therefore you can now find this model on blendswap too. And I will definitely upload all of my shared models there too.

Thank you for the tip!

hi john_9998,
i watched your cube short movie, and enjoyed it.
it looks rather like a series of images i was going to create (well, how i imagined them)
nice knife btw