Hi everyone
This is a knife designed by myself, modeled and rendered in blender 2.5
Feel free to use it or study it as you wish.
Timelapse: http://www.vimeo.com/17656224
.blend: http://www.mediafire.com/?t4argbgadul1xoh
Hi everyone
This is a knife designed by myself, modeled and rendered in blender 2.5
Feel free to use it or study it as you wish.
Timelapse: http://www.vimeo.com/17656224
.blend: http://www.mediafire.com/?t4argbgadul1xoh
Hi. very nice. good texture and lightning. Thanks for sharing.
WWWWow, nice lighting. That’s half the challenge in all my work, I’ve found. The surface of the metal has a great texture to it too.
Render one with the knife stabbed on the table. May get an interesting scene there.
looking good and thats a big blend file…
Thank you for your comments!
The texturing and lightsetup is actually quite simple, just a basic light and some environment lighting.
looking good and thats a big blend file…
Well, the biggest reason for that is the packed textures I guess. But they are necessary for the scene to work.
Render one with the knife stabbed on the table. May get an interesting scene there.
Well, here you have a quicky
Nice job thanks for sharing your workflow and blend.
I’d have to agree with mofx, it would be great if more people would upload to blendswap it’s a great resource, and it’s way easier to find a model there as opposed to buried in a forum.
I couldn’t agree more, therefore you can now find this model on blendswap too. And I will definitely upload all of my shared models there too.
Thank you for the tip!
hi john_9998,
i watched your cube short movie, and enjoyed it.
it looks rather like a series of images i was going to create (well, how i imagined them)
nice knife btw