This is a recurrent issues since 2.8 version, so it’s been years. I had never understood how this tool is supposed to work and why it is so bad, be it related to the clip start distance for snap correctly to vertices, or cutting backface faces
Is the knife tool complete trash or else?
Case 1: Working in perspective view, I can’t cut ngons or any face, it is impossible to snap. The cut result is useless, creating new vertices and edges. One way I found was to locally triangulate faces, then keep the edges I need if I get lucky. Anyway ngons, quads or tri, snap is still ineffective sometimes and I don’t understand why. makes me trully mad about Blender.
case 2: working in orthographic view. snapping is better but cutting is trashing faces behind… ruining my topology.
Can you show us an example which cut did not work?
Where you want to snap?
Some cuts need unwanted edges, they are created by the knife tool if needed. For example if you cut a hole in a plane a edge is needed to connect the hole to the surounding geometry.
…in perspective snapping on vertices and faces works without using any other snapping settings… also n-gons are no problem… at the end i “cut” through already established edges…
This is the geometry you see in the picture I have posted. Nothing fancy, nothing special. K can’t snap at all on it in perspective view, only in orthographic. No clean cut is possible in pers. (while ortho is displaying backface wireframes, makes it hard to see)
I had this issue so many times and I don’t understand why sometimes not. What I know for sure is I regret choosing Blender as my my software years ago. Losing my energy and time with this half-made hobbyist toy
Sure, the usual and useless answer. Nobody needs “proof”…
Sure, if I do the same on a plane it works. Only I need it to work also on the actual geometry.
at some point it was related to the near clipping value.
so… to make your “request” a bit more understandable you maybe have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer. Because at least i do see no problem and so am not able to help you