Knift tool cuts points beyond knife. Glitch? Need help!

First post. Normally when I run into problems I can search for the solution but this one I’m at a lost.

The knife tool now doesn’t stop at the nearest line or intersection. It is making a few more point beyond my cut ruining the cut. It only affects this file and saving and opening doesn’t make it go away. I’m guessing I hit a hidden setting button but don’t know what it was. Please help! Thanks

I would have switched off visibility of Subsurf at first and if that wouldn’t help hid faces at the cut ends temporarily.

I solved the issue. It was caused my being in perspective mode. Thanks anyways :slight_smile:

Isn’t this a bug, or am I missing a setting. Shouldn’t you be able to use the knife tool i perspective mode. I have a file with the same issue

On default objects Knife Project works correct while in Perspective mode. It might fail if there are some problems in your mesh - intersecting faces, non uniform normals and such.

The bug has been fixed. get the newest version here