This is the character selection in the game, which only shows Ko as selectable character first. The other both will only be unlocked with password, which will be given after certain missions. Ka has her own “selected”-action too, i just didnt add it yet
First stage of Ka’s perpsective - mode is at a garden of a villa. Ko’s first stage also begins after Ka has been kidnapped by her brother Poy and they both disappeared in the villa.
I am still extending the environment of the villa and working on some enemies. Currently there are the finished versions of Fire minion and Fire turtle.
- Sounds
- Improvement of animations, physics, logics
- Merge scenes
- Extended environment (work in progress)
fantastic, very good animations
Thanks Fumangy
- Enable game mode of Ka’s perspective
- Added stage 1 and 2
- Logic of her weapon ( flash bomb), which is maximally placed by 4.
- Soldier
All stages of the characters are linked together as a story, The player only plays all character with different game logics and perspective. The whole mode should be finished to get the password and unlock the next character mode.
-Ka and Ko enter a house, Ka gets kidnapped ( Ka stage 1 )
-Ko seeks Ka and found Ka on 2nd floor, Poy takes Ka away ( Ko stage 1)
-Ka stays with Poy’s troop on a train, she tries to escape and jumps into a forest (Ka stage 2)
-Giant Ko fights against a big monster,which tries to stop him searching for Ka( Ko stage 2 )
…and so on
Amazing! I see you have a proper game here. I believe most of the game mechanics have been implemented!
Keep it up, you’re doing an amazing job!
You animations skills are very impressive, I see!
I give you *****!
Thanks lots torakunsama ^^
Ko’s final form - Combo attack (Punch and Kick)
I am still improving this. Some actions are not smooth enough. All of this will be added in 2nd stage of Ko’s mode.
Great work, your animations are very good:yes:
Thanks MarvinCJams (:
This is the final form of KA. Ofcourse she wont be this naked in game, this is the pre-transformation, she will also have armor like KO (look Ko transformation in old replies)
The armor in progress
Transformation of Ka (almost done) and Ko (improved)
Stage 1 Boss preview
P.s hid , not hided T.T
Preview of Stage2 - Ko’s mode
After Ko finished stage 1 (leaving the vila on late afternoon and enters an empty road next to a beach), Ko also has to defeats monsters and continues going until evening of the day. Stage 2 happens in an empty road next to the sea. At the end of it Ko will see this giant monster waiting for him. Ko will also transform into a giant to fight against this one. (previous posts)
I dont want to use the whole model of the giant in this scene because they don’t fight here, and the boss is just doing the breathing animation, waiting for Ko, so i applied some frames of the animations into an animation strip with transparency. It displays pretty smoothly in game.
Shield golem AI test
Stage 2 of Ko’s mode
Stage2 environment preview
Ko’s mode
P.S ^^ the running animation of Ko really synchronizes to the background music i used for the video ! It looks like he is dancing to it
I quickly designed this monster within few hours , which looks a little bit like a stone pokemon. I just modified some details on the design. In the story of the game, this monster was a fire dinosaur which was adopted by family of Poy and Ka, its egg shell was too hard so it could not get rid of it. For years it became a part of his skeleton which hardens the defending ability of this creature.
I sculpted it in Zbrush, retopolized, animated and textured it using Blender and Photoshop.
I created some spaces on the shell for the body parts to place in when the rollgolem transforms into a stone ball. I might set the body to ridged body in game so i would not use the original model of rollgolem to do it. I applied the pose of it into another uv sphere, using object - normal map instead of tangent NRM, since this mesh will not be deformed in game. This type of normal map also gives more depth than the regular one.
Most of the characters i created in the game have specular texture, normal texture, difficuse and ambiant occlusion texture. But i most merge diffuse and AO together, for less memory usage.