I am having some troubles with the l-system script. I downloaded the 2.28 version and i am using Blender 2.33 and Python 2.3.4. When i try to run the script i get the following message on console:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “Application.py”, line 459, in bevent
File “lsystem.py”, line 297, in lsystem_build
File “lsystem.py”, line 225, in get_mesh
File “lsystem.py”, line 243, in get_branch
File “lsystem.py”, line 27, in apply_force
File “Matrix.py”, line 8, in vec_scal_mul
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Thanks for your reply. I was using that version already. But i think i finally got it working with my system (Blender 2.33, Python 2.3.4). I modified the following lines (beginning at line 379):
Silly me !!!
I was trying to use ter2blend and lsystem. Those lines are for the ter2blend system to work with blender 2.33 and python 2.3.4 not the l-system. The l-system was not working for me because my system was not correctly configured.
Sorry for that !!! Anyway, i hope it’s helpful for those trying to work with ter2blend.