Laboratory glove box: Animation of the gloves - How?


(no native speaker, sorry…)

I am trying to animate a model of these:

I created the gloves by selecting the according faces of the hands and the arms, duplicate those and separate them. Then I applied an appropriate material after removing the original once, added a shrinkwrap- and a solidify-modifier and adjusted the parameters.

In the SF-scene I want to animate, the character is standing on the “outer” side of the laboratory box with
his arms/hand inside the box while using the gloves.

The tricky part (for me) is, to ensure that the end of the gloves stay fixed to the lab box while the rest of
gloves is following the animation of the character (the latter is no problem).

I tried to hook all vertice of the edge of the upper part of the glove to the box - but it does not work.
The I rearranged the modifier for the armature of the character and the hooks - but no success.\

How can I achieve, that the upper part of the glove stay fixed and unmoveable to the sealing of the box and the rest of the glove is animated by the character?


Please ensure that your rig has a root bone that doesn’t move… Ensure that the vertices at the base of the gloves have 100% weight assigned to that root bone (Normalized).

Quick mock-up showing root-bone weight:

Good luck.


Oh yeah! THAT’s IT! …I am still thinking too much like a mechanician… :wink:

But…the solution gives me another challenge…:
How can I bind vertices via weights to a bone, which has such a distance to the vertices ?

If the weight is 100% then it doesn’t matter where the bone is (see pic below). Just remember to do Weights → Normalize to ensure no effect from other bones.

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