it’s been a long time since I posted something here in BA,
So this is my latest render, its quite simple with a basic compositing and lighting.
I tried to challenge myself and create something good using my extremely slow pc (dual core, 2Gb ram, cpu rendering) :eek:. That might explain the noise, render time is approximately 2 hours.
Anyway, enough of useless talk lol!
Here is what I know that I should improve
the head is a little bit too big, and there are some slightly incorrect anatomic shapes.
the antenna is definitely not black, I actually used an actual texture but somehow I used a low value(I’m not waiting for 2 hours just for an Antenna ahah).
the water balls at his back makes no sense ahah! just realized it.
and the grass blade could use a better texture which is hard to find.
(Feel free to add any other notes if you like!)
And to not waste your time, I’m going to include some tips that I learned from this small project.
Focus on composting first! grab a sheet of paper and draw! don’t just directly start at blender.
Use reference before you start, during the project and when you finish.
If it doesn’t look right then it’s most likely NOT right.
And my favorite one, your first render can be ALWAYS way better!
And if anybody made it till this point,
feel free to ask me any question!
thank you soo much for the kind words, for the story part, I was going for pollution topic, and I thought that I could add a rusted pipe or something instead of the grass blade, but unfortunately it wouldn’t fit in this frame due to the bug size.
Thank you sheepHD, but I don’t think it does, due to its simplicity lol, hopefully I can do something more interesting, (maybe a sexy lady) ahahha “just joking”
thank you Bronrw1 your kind words are enough for me