
it’s been a long time since I posted something here in BA,

So this is my latest render, its quite simple with a basic compositing and lighting.
I tried to challenge myself and create something good using my extremely slow pc (dual core, 2Gb ram, cpu rendering) :eek:. That might explain the noise, render time is approximately 2 hours.

Anyway, enough of useless talk lol!
Here is what I know that I should improve

  • the head is a little bit too big, and there are some slightly incorrect anatomic shapes.
  • the antenna is definitely not black, I actually used an actual texture but somehow I used a low value(I’m not waiting for 2 hours just for an Antenna ahah).
  • the water balls at his back makes no sense ahah! just realized it.
  • and the grass blade could use a better texture which is hard to find.

(Feel free to add any other notes if you like!)

And to not waste your time, I’m going to include some tips that I learned from this small project.

  • Focus on composting first! grab a sheet of paper and draw! don’t just directly start at blender.
  • Use reference before you start, during the project and when you finish.
  • If it doesn’t look right then it’s most likely NOT right.
  • And my favorite one, your first render can be ALWAYS way better!

And if anybody made it till this point,
feel free to ask me any question!

Thank you.



I really like you final image…
there are some reasons and maybe advices:

  1. You have very good feelings about what to do to make render photorealistic as I can see.
  2. I also like simple scene telling us big story.
  3. I think you should not render this on more samples because that grain adds realism to image.(but this can also be done by post-processing )
  4. I just think it is amazing render because… reasons. :smiley:

This is beautiful it deserves so much more attention :slight_smile:

This is just amazing! I have a desktop background like that at the moment! I might use this one instead! This WILL go to top row. I just know it! :slight_smile:

thank you soo much for the kind words, for the story part, I was going for pollution topic, and I thought that I could add a rusted pipe or something instead of the grass blade, but unfortunately it wouldn’t fit in this frame due to the bug size.

Thank you sheepHD, but I don’t think it does, due to its simplicity lol, hopefully I can do something more interesting, (maybe a sexy lady) ahahha “just joking”

thank you Bronrw1 your kind words are enough for me :slight_smile:

Gorgeous render! The colors are perfect! Well done!

beautiful,very effective composition(colour,lighting).