Lag when using 2D filters. Please help!

Hey, I am trying to use 2D filters and the only one that doesn’t lag me is ‘motion blur’. I noticed it brings logic up to 80%! Here’s a screenie.


Please help. Thanks!

As far as I know 2D Filter are executed by the rasterizer not logic.

It seams you are doing something else.

No, I am using 2D filters. Logic bricks to do it. Always sensor, And controller, 2D Filter actuator.

Oh, hey, don’t have the Always sensor set to True level pulse triggering. That would make it turn on the filter every game frame - you only need to do it once. From that point, the filter’s on, so you don’t need to do anything else.

Please post your .blend. There is no way that a Blur 2D filter is using logic. It has to be something else…
What framerate do you get with it off?

I don’t think that 80% logic could be from that one Always sensor… Could it?

If it’s a weaker graphics card or CPU, then yeah, I think so. I know I get a considerable logic increase (+22%) in the default scene just by applying a sepia filter every frame.

When I switch in true pulse (which is a non-sense setting in this situation) I get an higher logic processing time. On my system logic goes from 0.04ms to 0.57ms. As stated earlier, it is rendered by the rendered not the logic.

Well thanks to SolarLune! True Pulse to off worked! Originally I was getting 60 FPS (no filter) and then I got 3 FPS (with filter) and now I’m back to 60. It’s deffo not the best GPU\CPU out there (AMD Radeon HD 6310 APU). But I play GTA IV with 30 FPS with Vsync on and res highest and everything else lowest. It looks poopy but meh. I’m getting off track!

Yes, yes it was. :’(
But no need to post the .blend now! :smiley:
Unless you really wanna see it. But no point. :confused:

Thanks for the help! :wink:

If it was asking the GPU to recompile the shader, I imagine it would.