Lags so bad when I press b.

Whenever I press b then start to drag a selection box it lags so stinkin bad…it didn’t used to do this! Anyone ever have issues with this?

maybe your model is too high poly?or you could have too many programs running? if its not any of them i consider uninstalling and reinstalling blender again

I doubt it could be the polys…it was a cube (Oh noes! 6 sides of death!)

And I tried re-installing…still does it. It’s so wierd, I can hit b twice and paint select perfectly…but if I try to do a box selection as soon as I click down and start to drag it’s just like Jump Jump Jump and the coordinates readout are all lagging as well lol…it’s just a mess.

tried installing previous version down to 2.40…still no luck.
If it was just a tiny bit i’d say sure, but when I start to drag it moves like a inch before the box starts to appear, and sometimes the mouse tweaks out so when I let go it’s still selected and I have to click again O_o

This might be due to OpenGL support on your video card if it is an ati, This link might give you a clue.

Nope… Nvidia 8600 GTS.
lol prolly should have listed my specs in the first post

Intel Core 2 (2.6)
1 gig G.Skill
Windows XP Professional x64

Maybe a problem with my OS?

I think I’ve seen it happen like twice in 2 weeks but I really can’t remember.

The other thing is that it really might be your card. You hear about the default in all 8600s gts and up right? There is a problem with the GPU chip in 100% of those chips.

Just a thought.

Just like to let ya’ll know I got it fixed…
Driver issue…of course.
Was using what I usually use, Extreme-G drivers…but KOTOR2 wasn’t working so I decided to switch to the standard Nvidia drivers…KOTOR2 now works and by chance I got into blender and it also works perfectly now.

Strange, but w/e lol…