Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera

EDIT: Due to a crappy image host, all the images up to page 3 were deleted. Sorry about that.

Yup, another Gallardo. It’s not very original but it’s a good looking car.

Progress so far:

C&C Appreciated. Harsh as you like…:wink:

It’s not very original comment but it’s a good looking start, and the mesh seems clean. :wink:
Looking forward to see the next steps.

Heh heh…

Anyway, I’ve started work on the headlamps. However I’m getting major AA issues behind the glass. Any ideas? In the meantime I’ll keep working on it. I also fixed up the seams a bit.

EDIT: Solved the above problem by starting the glass material again from scratch, but now everything viewed through the glass isn’t lit up by the Ambient Occlusion and appears darker than most of the body. Is there a way to fix this?

Looks good, no idea about the glass problem though. I like the progress that you have made so far! Keep it up!

AARG dude you’re pwning me XD
You’ll be finished quicker than me if you keep going on like that.
Looks very good!

Don’t take it as a challenge, I’ve wanted to model a Gallardo for ages. And here in New Zealand it’s the last day of the school holidays so my progress will probably drop off a bit (though I’ve had so much homework in the holidays it might actually speed up).

I don’t see it as a challenge. It was a bit of a joke. XD

An update on the headlamps to keep everyone interested (I haven’t fixed the AO problem, but reduced the Energy on the AO and increased the energy on the Sunlamp so now the scene is less reliant on Ambient Occlusion for lighting)

Another update - the headlamps are almost done, they just need proper materials which wil be added after I’ve finished the rest of the modeling.

No comments? Another update.

EDIT: Heh… just noticed the wires are still visible on the indicator light after the previous wireframe render… whoops.

coming along nicely

Looking good.

You dug down to page four or five of the WIP Forum? Anyway, I’ve had loads of homework this week so basically no progress, the next thing to do is the rims (which are different from the standard gallardo, but a lot simpler I think).

Update on the wheels… I’m a day off completing a massive homework assignment thats taken up most of my spare time, so hopefully I can get some more work done.

Looks really good! Not a huge fan of the tread but still isn’t bad! Good luck with the rest of the car!

Yeah, I need to redo the tread. I imported it from my last car and it’s not the best. That’s the next thing I’ll work on I think, followed by the brakes and then moving onto the rest of the car.

BTW If anyone knows of a really good car tyre tutorial can you post a link? Thanks.

Update on the progress of making a new tyre… (I have an unorthodox approach to tyre modeling that will no doubt slow my system to a crawl…)

Looking sharp dude.
Good luck with this superlight version of the Gallardo.

I ditched my last attempt at a tyre and went in search of a tutorial… eventually found one here. It was for 3DS Max, but the method was pretty much non-software specific. Following it so far, and using a few of blenders advanced features (such as the array modifier) this is what I’ve got so far.

Tried it out with my old tread design… a lot harder and I didn’t pull it off as well, but it shows how easy the technique is.

Note the gap at the bottom… if I had more time I could close it up but i’ve stuffed up some other stuff as well and I’m using the design in the above post so I didn’t bother.