LAN RACE3D, It works :D

Hey i made a racing game along time ago called RACE3D, now i’ve changed it so its multiplayer. NORJ first used blengines save/load script to make a pong game. I did the same thing with my racing game. It saves the position of one car into a file, and another open blender file can open it and use that information to place the car.

if you only have 1 cpu, you can still do this…

here is the file, instructions are in the zip file.
its kinda choppy but it works… think of the possibilities…

do you mean that it uses the hard drive to tell the other copy of blender where to put the cars?

Hardly efficent. (but I bet it could work, just not well)

bah, but I shouldn’t be complaining unless I am willing to code something better.

the demo I made was the first lan demo I made and it was a bit unsable with the positions but that was only a little thing with the script that was wrong :wink: .
It workes tho :smiley:

I cant get the file it the file is not there :frowning:

very cool guys

it may be a bit clunky but it gives a good idea of some of the possibilities once we get a decent implementation of multiplayer into blender…

im gonna get back to racing against myself - wheee


I fucking you man.

thats not the way we write to eatchother here…

yay for file not found!

nathen by now you really should know to copy and paste geocity links

Which Nathan? Me or nathan? :stuck_out_tongue: Well I tried a lot of Nor.J’s test files, and it all worked perfect. I wish there was someone who could make a program that makes it possible to upload the files to a server and then let people download them automaticly to see where each player is racing or playing. Sort of basic multiplayer test. :smiley:

I think more then me is trying to fix that :wink: