Hey i made a racing game along time ago called RACE3D, now i’ve changed it so its multiplayer. NORJ first used blengines save/load script to make a pong game. I did the same thing with my racing game. It saves the position of one car into a file, and another open blender file can open it and use that information to place the car.
the demo I made was the first lan demo I made and it was a bit unsable with the positions but that was only a little thing with the script that was wrong .
It workes tho
Which Nathan? Me or nathan? Well I tried a lot of Nor.J’s test files, and it all worked perfect. I wish there was someone who could make a program that makes it possible to upload the files to a server and then let people download them automaticly to see where each player is racing or playing. Sort of basic multiplayer test.