Landing Craft

This is what i have so far of my drop ship that will be maybe making a camo appearence in a movie me and friends are making. So far this is the roughing out of most of it. the engines need a bit more work and the body needs a lot more detailing. The wings themselves are pretty much done. What do people think so far?

Looks pretty darn good :smiley: Are you gonna texture it afterwards?

Looks cool. I’d be a little worried about flying it into an atmosphere without some sort of lateral stabilisation though! Maybe a tail or a rear section (See the drop ship on Aliens).

Hang on…

See - Big tail to keep the sucker pointing in the right direction!

Looks good keep it up. I like the fins in the engines.

@ Ammusionist, it will be getting a tail on the top of it,
I’m currently wondering about texturing and how I would do it. The grey colour isn’t actualy too bad as far as colouring goes, what would people consider a good texture on space craft?

In you first post you referred to a camo appearance. Did you perhaps mean a cameo? Either way, the idea of a camouflaged drop ship makes sense. Get down, then hide while the troops do their thing, then extract and burn for the sky.

lol, yeah i did mean cameo. Im not to sure about having a camo like appearance on it, it does make sense but doesnt really fit with the story behind it all. Most ships i’ve seen on here people havent really textured at all, they have jsut left it the same colour as the render comes out automatically. Anyway here are some updates with more detailing done on the roof.

Try to indent the rivets on the top rather than pushin them up - it looks abit clunky the way it is now - good prgress just the same.

Well here is the next bit of work, given the rest of the ship some armour plating. Just neds the landing gear now and just random detailing. Anyone have nay ideas on a good way to texture it?

here it is with a reel quick texture i threw together, need some help getting this texturing right as it can really make or break the model.

awesome! -you can rest asured that this texture didn’t break the model. -I like the battle scarred theme you have going on with it :slight_smile:

this is the modeeling pretty much done, maybe needs some random pipes and that but will figure that out latter. It’s pretty much done then with a new darker texture, havent decided which one i like the bestt yet

I think the texture is too dark. Also, I think there is too much shine. Most vehicles that are painted with camo are painted in a matte color to prevent light shining off of them and giving away their position.