I’m currently working on a 3D terrain generator. In order to make my results appealing, I tried to render one of my generated terrains (right side pictures):
However, I’m convinced that this result could be largely improved (better sky, better lights, …), though I do not know blender well enough to do it myself.
Here is what I propose:
I give you:
- a .stl file
- a texture file for the land (eventually two textures files, one for land one for water)
You give me:
- a rendered scene (just a few pics and one video of the land rotating)
You are completely free to do what you think is good in order to increase realism of the scene.
You will be acknowledged in any potential article or exhibition of the produced assets about the terrain generator.
I’m looking for someone who could do it in less than two weeks.
If you are interested, please contact me
Thanks !