Language problem

Hi !
I’ve just downloaded the 2.30 release of Blender and I have to use a French translated interface. I’ve clicked the Language & Fonts button but there’s only one button “International Fonts” in the panel. I’ve tried to click on it several times, but nothing happens. What can I do ?

when you click “international fonts” some other buttons should come up, like size and language.

it works for me

When you start blender, do you get a message that says something like “.Blanguages not found”?

In the Windows version, when I click the Button “International fonts”, it works perfectly. But in the Linux version, nothing happens : no other button appear ! There’s no error message about .Blanguage, which is olready copied in the Blender directory and in my home directory.

You need .Blanguages, .Bfont.ttf and .blender/ in your $HOME directory from International support.