Large Greebly Spaceship

I’m glad that I have been able to follow the progress of this… Really good job!

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Hi all,

I am back from vacation with some new renders!

@caz747: I’m glad you like it! Thanks a lot!

@boblybill: Thank you! I’m really glad you followed it :slight_smile:

So nothing really new to the ship since I consider it finished but I made some orthographic renders that better display the shape and shiluete of the ship:

Also finished detailing the engine parts that weren’t visible from the front so now I can present a back view :slight_smile:

Next I’ll render some close ups and maybe another different view of the ship.

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Last two renders for this project and I’m calling it done.

Close up details of the finished ship:

and a front view using another Earth from space photo I played with in gimp as a background:

So that’s finally it! I hope you guys like it!

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This ended up really nice. I like how much detail you put into this! Great job.