Large Scale Road Texturing

I have a mesh with hundreds of quads, all different sizes, to which I’m trying to apply a road texture. The problem is when I use the “reset” option from the uv unwrap menu, the uv coodinates are not always facing the correct direction. I’m wondering what the best method to do this texturing would be so the texture follows the road quads, thanks.

In the quad on the left the texture is facing the correct direction, the quad on the right the texture is 90 degrees off.

There should be a built in python-based option called follow active quads, this will UVmap according to edgeloop flow (which allows easy unwrapping of meshes like roads)

Yes, that works but only for a small portion of the mesh at a time, which means a lot of manual work. I attached the .blend


roadtest.blend (943 KB)