I want to draw a Laser beam from the end of a gun outwards until it hits an object, but i don’t have a clue. Can someone show me how this can be done?
u could create an object with an empty, and the object has a motion actuator that makes it go forward, and make it so if it collides with an object, it stops adding objects and stops the motion.
make an object that sooks like your beam, then parent to the end of your gun (but not touching anything) and size it down on the y axis untill it is invisible to the camera. Then for your shoot, have it size up very rapidly on the y axis. Have a touch sensor for the beam so that if it touches any object with property wall, enemy, etc. it will return to it’s original size. You could also do the sizing with an IPO or an armature and action.
I’m out of town, but if your question remains when I get back, I’ll post a blend.