July 3, 2009, 4:16pm
Laser fortress battles is a FPS game. I am hoping that in the future it will be available online multiplayer. The website is The demo is here: The keys are in the readme. A few screenshots:
Anybody want to help? :spin: The main slots I need filled are animating, scripting, and perhaps texturing.
Hello All,
Looks good so far!
Keep up the good luck!
You going to make a full fledged game out of this???
July 3, 2009, 4:46pm
Thanks! Yeah, I will make a full fledged game
Awesome dude keep up the good work!
If you need any help with logic brick A.I. or simple python A.I. i’m making a tutorial on it soon just to let you know.
July 3, 2009, 4:55pm
one crit:
Make the reticle a mesh. It will look sharper, and better.
Great game idea, just a few things:
Bring the camera back
Edit: I downloaded it … it’s blender. Not a game…
Great game idea, just a few things:
Bring the camera back
Edit: I downloaded it … it’s blender. Not a game…
There’s a file in it called fps under blender thats where it is.
July 3, 2009, 6:39pm
Thanks for the comments guys!
The_Creator: Thanks!
JESUSFRK14: I don’t want GLSL becuase not everybody has GLSL. Do you mean bringing the camera back so you can see the avatar? If so, I plan on adding a switch between fps and tps
Mad Hatteur: Whats the reticle?
July 3, 2009, 7:18pm
The cursor that you aim with. Looking good so far, but GLSL would make it look a lot better… Maybe make two different releases
I saw you bring it forward.
Something like Halo. (CLICKY)
Reminds me of Red Vs. Blue. The Halo game or something.
I would be glad to help you if you need anything.
Get some vertex paint on that. Just shade the inside corners a little darker or something, it will make it look so much better.
Or even better, bake some radiosity
July 4, 2009, 4:13pm
The crosshair that you aim with is temporary. I will add more details a little later. Right now I am working more on gameplay than graphics. Again: Anyone want to help?
lilgrudgeboy: Do whatever you want that will be needed in an fps game such as guns, buildings, levels, you know
July 4, 2009, 7:14pm
To be honest, im not a big fan of the controls of the top player, but i understand there is only one mouse. Anyway keep it up
What type of weapons do you want? Normal machine guns and pistols ect.?
Here’s a left I worked on.Didn’t really take that long to make…If you want it you can use it… Feel free to edit it as much as you want.
fort.blend (137 KB)
July 5, 2009, 6:44am
Thanks for that building/cave thing.
I will use any type of gun. Pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc.
Okay I have a few weapons modeled…
They’re all the nice looking weapon models on my computer.
Feel free to edit any thing on them. Just give credit to me for the base model.
Mach gun.blend (128 KB)machine gun.blend (125 KB)MGUN.blend (240 KB)newshotty.blend (171 KB)RPGMGUN.blend (161 KB)
July 5, 2009, 1:49pm
Thanks! I’ll use a few of those.
July 7, 2009, 8:16am
Upadate: I have added a new building and grenades. It adds lots of excitement with grenades:yes: You are always looking out for them :spin: Here are a few screenies:
I’m sorry, I meant bring it forward a little.
I understand about GLSL, but maybe you can add shadows or something in there? Non-GLSL ones.