So I couldn’t let this years challenge just slip by just because I didn’t have time to finish my entry.
This was slapped together in an hour or so:
The cockpit is something made for last years challenge, but not good enough to use then. Those big fan things are what took the time, them and tweaking the textures to at least looking half decent.
Compared with the other entries this year, pitiful and undetailed are probably the best words to describe it. But at least I can still say I’ve been in all the F1 challenges so far.
Sincne you did me the honor of
commenting on my f1, I thought
I would repay the favor…
I rather like it. From a technical,
that is, 3d, standpoint, it isn’t bad,
but not great. From a design standpoint,
I really like it.
One thing in the design makes it look
a little less elegant, and that is that back
darker red area behind the windows.
Maybe if you had left that out…
A little too lare now though.