Last shooter game

hi. i uploaded the prototype of my game “last shooter endless battle”
the prototype has not enemies but it made just for testing it in pc
here the link for downloading my game

my channel on youtube
video for the game

tell me in the comments and remember before you download the game make sure that you have strong pc

enjoy :ok_hand:


tell me in comments

Runs better than expected on my gtx750.
I expected that it wouldn’t run at all or only 3-5fps
It’s not fast but more than 10fps for sure.

F11/F12 keys don’t change Fullscreen etc.
Mouse feels a bit weird because mouse up = look down

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thank you fo testing my game!! :smile:

i know about mouse its very easy to change and the f11 and f12 didn’t work because logic nodes didn’t work

i ll fix this !
card graphics:

You said that you tested this game on gtx750 Runs better than expected on my gtx750 and this game will work with any card graphics but with different FPS card graphics it should support opengl 4.3 and I think gtx 1050ti supports card graphics . you said that you expected that it wouldn’t run at all or only 3-5fps you saw that on video that because i have gt 610 its old card graphics made for playing oldest games and open google and its hard to open games like my game

thank you:D

the bugs has been fixed see the new prototype!!