Latest demo reel

not amazing, and pretty much the same clips as before, but edited and timed a lot better. anything 3D was blender, the rest is aftereffects. If you don’t know aftereffects I’d seriously consider getting it. search for books by trish and chris meyer you can teach yourself. it’s a great way to get a job in the industry…

i watched it with no audio, so the runway videos puzzles me.

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The audio isn’t really anything, it’s just a weird synth, a fuzzy rhythm and a piano playing a nearly endless variation on 2 4/4 bars.

yeah it’s always a problem for me, because a lot of the clips are so dependent on the music for effect, about whether or not to have the original clips music or add just an overall soundtrack. I prefer the soundtrack method but some clips lose their impact because of it. like I said it’s nothing too special right now. I’ve been so busy with my job I haven’t had too much time for blender recently so just playing around a little with aftereffects. it sucks. I’m also waiting for the final build of 2.43. sculpt mode for the win!

dude… i think i saw this reel already… like a coupla months ago… exactly same 1…

I know I just cleaned it up and added a few things, I said that in the first post. just thought there might be a few peeps who hadn’t seen it / critiqued it

what’s the deal with the interviews and the runway stuff? were you the camera man or something? i’d like to see a little segregation and explanation in between the animations and stuff.

I think she was the model :confused: …Yeah a little text would be good.

what? i’m not talking about her, i’m asking what your affiliation with that video is. :rolleyes:

lua, i am not the original poster, i tried to inject a bit of humor into this thread, but apparently it backfired :smiley:

well, humor is generally supposed to be funny, so you had me confused.


Scrap outer glows. Do a search like “outer glow tutorial”, your’ll see it’s highly used and it isn’t the most pleasent looking effect either especially on fonts with small bits like serif. Im not 100%sure if it is an “outer glow” or just a glow /blur, but their all as bad when used in this way… I picked that out on the begining like the plague, and you can see yourself how easily it got ruined via compression.

The start, i.e. the brick physics render? with your info could be done alot better. For one, there’s no real introduction… those personal details could have been displayed on screen from the start, which as you gradually “zoom out”, see that it’s on a brick from a collection of bricks formming “demo reel 2007”. Then have a “ball and chain” thing swinging and smashing them apart. Hopfully with one brick atleast flyng stright at the camera so you can use that to “flash-in” to the next clip /part of your reel.

This would show good composition between scenes, interactivity and thought. Simply adding clips one after the other wont do throughout the whole reel, unless you catergorise them likes a presentation:
“renders” >clip >
“video editing” >clip

…and so on… but thats more of a “heres what we can do /done /portfolio” (boring) rather than a “let sell ourself in 60 secondsp” as a demo reel is basically like an advert etc…

Also, do some research on demo reel, your’ll find articles saying how employers have to go through 100 videos or so and simply “delete” them as soon as they find somthing such as a spelling mistake. That outter glow will probabily be one for high end visualisation, graphics etc… businesses.

Dispite my example, I would always leave my eprsonal details last Show something amazing from the start.